Configure SSM Agent to use a proxy for Windows Server instances
The information in this topic applies to Windows Server instances created on or after November 2016 that do not use the Nano installation option. If you intend to use Session Manager, note that HTTPS proxy servers aren't supported.
As of January 14, 2020, Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported for feature or security updates from Microsoft. Legacy Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 still include version 2 of SSM Agent preinstalled, but Systems Manager no longer officially supports 2008 versions and no longer updates the agent for these versions of Windows Server. In addition, SSM Agent version 3 might not be compatible with all operations on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. The final officially supported version of SSM Agent for Windows Server 2008 versions is 2.3.1644.0.
Before you begin
Before you configure SSM Agent to use a proxy, note the following important information.
In the following procedure, you run a command to configure SSM Agent to use a
proxy. The command includes a no_proxy
setting with an IP
address. The IP address is the instance metadata services (IMDS) endpoint for Systems Manager.
If you don't specify no_proxy
, calls to Systems Manager take on the
identity from the proxy service (if IMDSv1 fallback is enabled) or calls to Systems Manager
fail (if IMDSv2 is enforced).
For IPv4, specify
. -
For IPv6, specify
. The IPv6 address of the instance metadata service is compatible with IMDSv2 commands. The IPv6 address is only accessible on instances built on the AWS Nitro System. For more information, see How Instance Metadata Service Version 2 works in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
To configure SSM Agent to use a proxy
Using Remote Desktop or Windows PowerShell, connect to the instance that you would like to configure to use a proxy.
Run the following command block in PowerShell. Replace
with the information about your proxy.$serviceKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AmazonSSMAgent" $keyInfo = (Get-Item -Path $serviceKey).GetValue("Environment") $proxyVariables = @("http_proxy=
", "https_proxy=hostname
", "no_proxy=IP address for instance metadata services (IMDS)
") if ($keyInfo -eq $null) { New-ItemProperty -Path $serviceKey -Name Environment -Value $proxyVariables -PropertyType MultiString -Force } else { Set-ItemProperty -Path $serviceKey -Name Environment -Value $proxyVariables } Restart-Service AmazonSSMAgent
After running the preceding command, you can review the SSM Agent logs to confirm the proxy settings were applied. Entries in the logs look similar to the following. For more information about SSM Agent logs, see Viewing SSM Agent logs.
2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO Getting IE proxy configuration for current user: The operation completed successfully. 2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO Getting WinHTTP proxy default configuration: The operation completed successfully. 2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO Proxy environment variables: 2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO http_proxy:hostname
2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO https_proxy:hostname
2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO no_proxy:IP address for instance metadata services (IMDS)
2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO Starting Agent: amazon-ssm-agent - v2.3.871.0 2020-02-24 15:31:54 INFO OS: windows, Arch: amd64
To reset SSM Agent proxy configuration
Using Remote Desktop or Windows PowerShell, connect to the instance to configure.
If you connected using Remote Desktop, launch PowerShell as an administrator.
Run the following command block in PowerShell.
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AmazonSSMAgent -Name Environment Restart-Service AmazonSSMAgent
SSM Agent proxy setting precedence
When configuring proxy settings for the SSM Agent on Windows Server instances, it's important to understand these settings are evaluated and applied to the agent configuration when the SSM Agent is started. How you configure your proxy settings for a Windows Server instance can determine whether other settings might supersede your intended settings. The agent uses the first proxy settings it finds.
SSM Agent communicates using the HTTPS protocol. For this reason, you must
configure the HTTPS proxy
parameter by using one of the
following settings options.
SSM Agent proxy settings are evaluated in the following order.
Registry settings (HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AmazonSSMAgent
) -
environment variables (http_proxy
) -
user account environment variableshttp_proxy
) -
Browser settings (
) -
proxy settings (http=
SSM Agent proxy settings and Systems Manager services
If you configured the SSM Agent to use a proxy and are using AWS Systems Manager tools, such as Run Command and Patch Manager, that use PowerShell or the Windows Update client during their execution on Windows Server instances, configure additional proxy settings. Otherwise, the operation might fail because proxy settings used by PowerShell and the Windows Update client aren't inherited from the SSM Agent proxy configuration.
For Run Command, configure WinINet
proxy settings on your Windows Server
instances. The [System.Net.WebRequest]
commands provided are
per-session. To apply these configurations to subsequent network commands that
are run in Run Command, these commands must precede other PowerShell commands in
the same aws:runPowershellScript
plugin input.
The following PowerShell commands return the current WinINet
proxy settings, and apply your proxy settings to WinINet
[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy $proxyServer = "http://
" $proxyBypass = "" $WebProxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxyServer,$true,$proxyBypass) [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = $WebProxy
For Patch Manager, configure system-wide proxy settings so the Windows Update
client can scan for and download updates. We recommend that you use Run Command to
run the following commands because they run on the SYSTEM account, and the
settings apply system-wide. The following netsh
commands return the
current proxy settings, and apply your proxy settings to the local
netsh winhttp show proxy netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="
" bypass-list=""
For more information about using Run Command, see AWS Systems Manager Run Command.