Viewing execution progress and history for remediations in Systems Manager - AWS Systems Manager

Viewing execution progress and history for remediations in Systems Manager

You can view a list of all in-progress and completed remediation operations made using the Diagnose and remediate feature in Systems Manager.

Data in the execution history list reports the following types of information:

  • The type of execution, Diagnosis or Remediation.

  • The execution status, such as Success or Failed.

  • The times that the execution started and ended.

To view execution progress and history for remediations
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Diagnose and remediate.

  3. Choose View executions.


    When an execution is running, you can also choose View progress to open the Execution history page.

  4. (Optional) In the search ( The search icon ) box, enter a phrase to help narrow down the execution list, such as EC2 or VPC.

  5. (Optional) To view additional details about an execution, in the Execution name column, choose an operation name, such as AWS-DiagnoseUnmanagedEC2NetworkIssues.

    In the details pane, you can review information about all the steps attempted during the operation, and about all the inputs and outputs for the execution.