Use GetMaintenanceWindow with a CLI - AWS Systems Manager

Use GetMaintenanceWindow with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetMaintenanceWindow.


To get information about a maintenance window

The following get-maintenance-window example retrieves details about the specified maintenance window.

aws ssm get-maintenance-window \ --window-id "mw-03eb9db428EXAMPLE"


{ "AllowUnassociatedTargets": true, "CreatedDate": 1515006912.957, "Cutoff": 1, "Duration": 6, "Enabled": true, "ModifiedDate": 2020-01-01T10:04:04.099Z, "Name": "My-Maintenance-Window", "Schedule": "rate(3 days)", "WindowId": "mw-03eb9db428EXAMPLE", "NextExecutionTime": "2020-02-25T00:08:15.099Z" }

For more information, see View information about maintenance windows (AWS CLI) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets details about a maintenance window.

Get-SSMMaintenanceWindow -WindowId "mw-03eb9db42890fb82d"


AllowUnassociatedTargets : False CreatedDate : 2/20/2017 6:14:05 PM Cutoff : 1 Duration : 2 Enabled : True ModifiedDate : 2/20/2017 6:14:05 PM Name : TestMaintWin Schedule : cron(0 */30 * * * ? *) WindowId : mw-03eb9db42890fb82d

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.