Managing node report content and appearance
You can use the Systems Manager Explore nodes feature to view filtered or unfiltered lists of managed nodes for your AWS organization or account in the Systems Manager console. You can choose from over a dozen fields to include in your lists of nodes, such as Node ID, Operating system name, Region, and more. You can also reorder the columns for your lists and reports and change how the list is displayed in the console.
To manage node report content and appearance
Open the AWS Systems Manager console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Explore nodes.
In the Nodes area, choose the preferences gear icon (
In the Preferences dialog box, do the following:
For Page size, choose how many rows are included in each console view display, 10, 25, or 50.
For Wrap lines, select the box to display all content of a cell in the available column width.
For Striped rows, select the box to display alternating rows of clear and shaded backgrounds.
For Select visible content, do the following:
Turn on or off individual columns for your list display and reports.
To change the order of columns, click and hold the drag handle (
) of a column name and drag it up or down in the list.
Choose Confirm.