Accessing the Red Hat Knowledge base portal - AWS Systems Manager

Accessing the Red Hat Knowledge base portal

You can use Fleet Manager, a tool in AWS Systems Manager, to access the Knowledge base portal if you are a Red Hat customer. You are considered a Red Hat customer if you run Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) instances or use RHEL services on AWS. The Knowledge base portal includes binaries, and knowledge-share and discussion forums for community support that are available only to Red Hat licensed customers.

In addition to the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for Systems Manager and Fleet Manager, the user or role you use to access the console must allow the rhelkb:GetRhelURL action to access the Knowledge base portal.

To access the Red Hat Knowledgebase Portal
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Fleet Manager.

  3. Choose the RHEL instance you want to use to connect to the Red Hat Knowledgebase Portal.

  4. Choose Account management, Access Red Hat Knowledgebase to open the Red Hat Knowledge base page.

If you use RHEL on AWS to run fully supported RHEL workloads, you can also access the Red Hat Knowledge base through Red Hat's website by using your AWS credentials.