Configuring inventory collection - AWS Systems Manager

Configuring inventory collection

This section describes how to configure AWS Systems Manager Inventory collection on one or more managed nodes by using the Systems Manager console. For an example of how to configure inventory collection by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), see Using the AWS CLI to configure inventory data collection.

When you configure inventory collection, you start by creating a AWS Systems Manager State Manager association. Systems Manager collects the inventory data when the association is run. If you don't create the association first, and attempt to invoke the aws:softwareInventory plugin by using, for example, AWS Systems Manager Run Command, the system returns the following error: The aws:softwareInventory plugin can only be invoked via ssm-associate.


Be aware of the following behavior if you create multiple inventory associations for a managed node:

  • Each node can be assigned an inventory association that targets all nodes (--targets "Key=InstanceIds,Values=*").

  • Each node can also be assigned a specific association that uses either tag key/value pairs or an AWS resource group.

  • If a node is assigned multiple inventory associations, the status shows Skipped for the association that hasn't run. The association that ran most recently displays the actual status of the inventory association.

  • If a node is assigned multiple inventory associations and each uses a tag key/value pair, then those inventory associations fail to run on the node because of the tag conflict. The association still runs on nodes that don't have the tag key/value conflict.

Before You Begin

Before you configure inventory collection, complete the following tasks.

  • Update AWS Systems Manager SSM Agent on the nodes you want to inventory. By running the latest version of SSM Agent, you ensure that you can collect metadata for all supported inventory types. For information about how to update SSM Agent by using State Manager, see Walkthrough: Automatically update SSM Agent with the AWS CLI.

  • Verify that you have completed the setup requirements for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and non-EC2 machines in a hybrid and multicloud environment. For information, see Setting up managed nodes for AWS Systems Manager.

  • For Microsoft Windows nodes, verify that your managed node is configured with Windows PowerShell 3.0 (or later). SSM Agent uses the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet in PowerShell to convert Windows update inventory data to the required format.

  • (Optional) Create a resource data sync to centrally store inventory data in an Amazon S3 bucket. resource data sync then automatically updates the centralized data when new inventory data is collected. For more information, see Walkthrough: Using resource data sync to aggregate inventory data.

  • (Optional) Create a JSON file to collect custom inventory. For more information, see Working with custom inventory.

Inventory all managed nodes in your AWS account

You can inventory all managed nodes in your AWS account by creating a global inventory association. A global inventory association performs the following actions:

  • Automatically applies the global inventory configuration (association) to all existing managed nodes in your AWS account. Managed nodes that already have an inventory association are skipped when the global inventory association is applied and runs. When a node is skipped, the detailed status message states Overridden By Explicit Inventory Association. Those nodes are skipped by the global association, but they will still report inventory when they run their assigned inventory association.

  • Automatically adds new nodes created in your AWS account to the global inventory association.

  • If a managed node is configured for the global inventory association, and you assign a specific association to that node, then Systems Manager Inventory deprioritizes the global association and applies the specific association.

  • Global inventory associations are available in SSM Agent version 2.0.790.0 or later. For information about how to update SSM Agent on your nodes, see Updating the SSM Agent using Run Command.

Configuring inventory collection with one click (console)

Use the following procedure to configure Systems Manager Inventory for all managed nodes in your AWS account and in a single AWS Region.

To configure all of your managed nodes in the current Region for Systems Manager inventory
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Inventory.

  3. In the Managed instances with inventory enabled card, choose Click here to enable inventory on all instances.

    Enabling Systems Manager Inventory on all managed nodes.

    If successful, the console displays the following message.

    Enabling Systems Manager Inventory on all managed nodes.

    Depending on the number of managed nodes in your account, it can take several minutes for the global inventory association to be applied. Wait a few minutes and then refresh the page. Verify that the graphic changes to reflect that inventory is configured on all of your managed nodes.

Configuring collection by using the console

This section includes information about how to configure Systems Manager Inventory to collect metadata from your managed nodes by using the Systems Manager console. You can quickly collect metadata from all nodes in a specific AWS account (and any future nodes that might be created in that account) or you can selectively collect inventory data by using tags or node IDs.


Before completing this procedure, check to see if a global inventory association already exists. If a global inventory association already exists, anytime you launch a new instance, the association will be applied to it, and the new instance will be inventoried.

To configure inventory collection
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Inventory.

  3. Choose Setup Inventory.

  4. In the Targets section, identify the nodes where you want to run this operation by choosing one of the following.

    • Selecting all managed instances in this account - This option selects all managed nodes for which there is no existing inventory association. If you choose this option, nodes that already had inventory associations are skipped during inventory collection, and shown with a status of Skipped in inventory results. For more information, see Inventory all managed nodes in your AWS account.

    • Specifying a tag - Use this option to specify a single tag to identify nodes in your account from which you want to collect inventory. If you use a tag, any nodes created in the future with the same tag will also report inventory. If there is an existing inventory association with all nodes, using a tag to select specific nodes as a target for a different inventory overrides node membership in the All managed instances target group. Managed nodes with the specified tag are skipped on future inventory collection from All managed instances.

    • Manually selecting instances - Use this option to choose specific managed nodes in your account. Explicitly choosing specific nodes by using this option overrides inventory associations on the All managed instances target. The node is skipped on future inventory collection from All managed instances.


      If a managed node you expect to see isn't listed, see Troubleshooting managed node availability for troubleshooting tips.

  5. In the Schedule section, choose how often you want the system to collect inventory metadata from your nodes.

  6. In the Parameters section, use the lists to turn on or turn off different types of inventory collection. See the following samples if you want to create an inventory search for Files or the Windows Registry.

    • On Linux and macOS, collect metadata of .sh files in the /home/ec2-user directory, excluding all subdirectories.

      [{"Path":"/home/ec2-user","Pattern":["*.sh", "*.sh"],"Recursive":false}]
    • On Windows, collect metadata of all ".exe" files in the Program Files folder, including subdirectories recursively.

      [{"Path":"C:\Program Files","Pattern":["*.exe"],"Recursive":true}]
    • On Windows, collect metadata of specific log patterns.

    • Limit the directory count when performing recursive collection.

      [{"Path":"C:\Users","Pattern":["*.ps1"],"Recursive":true, "DirScanLimit": 1000}]
    Windows registry
    • Collect all keys and values recursively for a specific path.

      [{"Path":"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Amazon","Recursive": true}]
    • Collect all keys and values for a specific path (recursive search turned off).

      [{"Path":"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intel\PSIS\PSIS_DECODER", "Recursive": false}]
    • Collect a specific key by using the ValueNames option.


    For more information about collecting File and Windows Registry inventory, see Working with file and Windows registry inventory.

  7. In the Advanced section, choose Sync inventory execution logs to an Amazon S3 bucket if you want to store the association execution status in an Amazon S3 bucket.

  8. Choose Setup Inventory. Systems Manager creates a State Manager association and immediately runs Inventory on the nodes.

  9. In the navigation pane, choose State Manager. Verify that a new association was created that uses the AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory document. The association schedule uses a rate expression. Also, verify that the Status field shows Success. If you chose the option to Sync inventory execution logs to an Amazon S3 bucket, then you can view the log data in Amazon S3 after a few minutes. If you want to view inventory data for a specific node, then choose Managed Instances in the navigation pane.

  10. Choose a node, and then choose View details.

  11. On the node details page, choose Inventory. Use the Inventory type lists to filter the inventory.