Creating an OS user or group using Fleet Manager
Fleet Manager uses Session Manager to set passwords for new users. For Amazon EC2 instances, the instance profile attached to your managed instances must provide permissions for Session Manager to use this feature. For more information about adding Session Manager permissions to an instance profile, see Add Session Manager permissions to an existing IAM role.
Instead of logging on directly to a server to create a user account or group, you can use the Fleet Manager console to perform the same tasks.
To create an OS user account using Fleet Manager
Open the AWS Systems Manager console at
. In the navigation pane, choose Fleet Manager.
Choose the button next to the managed node you want to create a new user on.
Choose View details.
Choose Tools, Users and groups.
Choose the Users tab, and then choose Create user.
Enter a value for the Name of the new user.
(Recommended) Select the check box next to Set password. You will be prompted to provide a password for the new user at the end of the procedure.
Select Create user. If you selected the check box to create a password for the new user, you will be prompted to enter a value for the password and select Done. If the password you specify doesn't meet the requirements specified by your managed node's local or domain policies, an error is returned.
To create an OS group using Fleet Manager
Open the AWS Systems Manager console at
. In the navigation pane, choose Fleet Manager.
Choose the button next to the managed node you want to create a group in.
Choose View details.
Choose Tools, Users and groups.
Choose the Groups tab, and then choose Create group.
Enter a value for the Name of the new group.
(Optional) Enter a value for the Description of the new group.
(Optional) Select users to add to the Group members for the new group.
Select Create group.