Viewing individual node details and taking action on a node - AWS Systems Manager

Viewing individual node details and taking action on a node

From a list in the Explore nodes page in Systems Manager, you can select an individual node in order to view comprehensive details about the machine or perform a variety of actions on the node. The General page in the detail page presents comprehensive information about the node.

To view individual node details and take action on a node
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Explore nodes.

  3. (Optional) Follow the steps in Choosing a filter view for managed node summaries to refine the list of managed nodes displayed for your organization or account.

  4. In the Node ID column, choose the linked ID of a node.

  5. To view more details about the node, in the left navigation, in the Properties list, choose a property to view more information about:

    • Tags – View a list of tags applied to the node. You can also add or remove tags.

    • Inventory – Choose an inventory type, such as AWS:Application or AWS:Network, to view inventory details for the node.

    • Associations – View details about all State Manager associations applied to the node, including details such as status and associated SSM document name.

    • Patches – View summary information about patches and patch status for the node.

    • Configuration compliance – View compliance details for the node, such as compliance status and compliance issue severity.

  6. To take actions on the node, use the following options in the Node actions menu:


    These actions are available only for managed nodes in the AWS account and Region you are currently working in. For managed nodes you might have access to in other accounts or Regions, you can instead access a Properties list.

    • Connect, Start terminal session – Connect to the node using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

    • Tools

      • View file system – Browse the contents of the node's directory structure. Add, rename, and remove directories. Cut or copy and paste files.

      • View performance counters – View performance information about the node such as CPU utilization, network traffic, and other utilization types.

      • Managed processes – View information about resource usage on the node. Start or stop processes on the node.

      • Manage users and groups – View, add, or delete user accounts and user groups on the node.

      • Execute run command – Use AWS Systems Manager Run Command to manage the configuration of the node. Run Command uses Systems Manager documents to perform on-demand changes such as updating applications or running Linux shell scripts and Windows PowerShell commands.

      • Patch nodes – Use the Patch now feature in AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager to run an on-demand patching operation on the node from the console.


      The preceding tasks can also be initiated from the Tools menu in the left navigation.

    • Node settings

      • Add tags – Apply additional tag key-value pairs to the node.

      • Reset node user password – Set a new password for a specified user on the node.

      • Modify IAM role – Change the IAM role that's associated with the node. Create a new IAM role to attach to the node.