Deleting Systems Manager resources and artifacts
As a best practice, we recommend that you delete Systems Manager resources and artifacts if you no longer need to view data about those resources or use the artifacts in any way. The following table lists each Systems Manager tool or artifact and a link to more information about deleting the resources or artifacts created by Systems Manager.
Capability or artifact | Details |
Application Manager |
You can't delete an application in Application Manager, but you can remove an application from the service by deleting the underlying tags, Resource Groups, or AWS CloudFormation stacks. |
Automation |
If you create AWS resources by using Systems Manager Automation, you must manually delete those resources by using the corresponding AWS Management Console. If you created a custom runbook, you can delete the underlying SSM document. For more information, see Deleting custom SSM documents. |
Change Calendar |
You can delete a change calendar and a change calendar event. For more information, see Deleting a change calendar and Deleting a Change Calendar event. |
Change Manager |
You can delete a change template. For more information, see Deleting change templates. |
Compliance |
Systems Manager Compliance automatically displays compliance data about Patch Manager patching and State Manager associations. You can't delete this data. If you configured a resource data sync to centralize compliance data in an S3 bucket, you can delete the sync. For more information, see Deleting a resource data sync for Compliance. |
Distributor |
You can delete packages in Distributor. For more information, see Delete a Distributor package. |
Explorer |
You can disconnect from the sources from which Explorer collects OpsData. For more information, see Editing Systems Manager Explorer data sources. You can also delete a resource data sync used by Explorer to aggregate OpsData and OpsItems from multiple AWS Regions and accounts to a single Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. For more information, see Deleting a Systems Manager Explorer resource data sync. For information about deleting an S3 bucket, see Deleting a bucket in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide. |
Fleet Manager |
You can't delete a managed node by using Fleet Manager. You must use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). For more information, see Terminate your instance (Linux) and Terminate your instance (Windows). |
Inventory |
You can stop Inventory data collection by deleting the State Manager associations that define the schedule and the resources from which to collect metadata. For more information, see Stopping data collection and deleting inventory data. If you no longer want to use AWS Systems Manager Inventory to view metadata about your AWS resources, then we also recommend deleting resource data syncs used for inventory data collection. For more information, see Deleting an Inventory resource data sync. |
Maintenance Windows |
You can delete a maintenance window, a maintenance window target, and a maintenance window task. For more information, see Update or delete maintenance window resources using the console. |
OpsCenter |
You can delete an individual OpsItem by calling the DeleteOpsItem API operation using the AWS Command Line Interface or the AWS SDK. You can't delete an OpsItem in the AWS Management Console. For more information, see Delete OpsItems. |
Parameter Store |
You can delete a parameter that you have created. For more information, see Deleting parameters from Parameter Store. |
Patch Manager |
You can delete a custom patch baseline. For more information, see Updating or deleting a custom patch baseline. |
Quick Setup |
You can delete associations created by Quick Setup. The associations are stored and processed by State Manager. For more information, see Deleting associations. |
Run Command |
After a command finishes processing, information about it is stored in the Command history tab. You can't delete information from the Command history tab. |
Automation |
After an automation finishes processing, information about it is stored in the Executions tab. You can't delete information from the Executions tab. |
Service-linked role |
Systems Manager automatically creates service-linked roles for some tools. You can delete these roles. For more information, see Deleting the AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM service-linked role for Systems Manager. |
Session Manager |
Session Manager doesn't retain data about your resources after you terminate a session. To terminate a session, see End a session. |
SSM Agent |
You can manually uninstall SSM Agent from your nodes. For more information, see the following topics.
State Manager |
You can delete an association. For more information, see Deleting associations. |
Systems Manager document service |
You can't delete runbooks provided by AWS or AWS Support, but you can delete custom runbooks. For more information, see Deleting custom SSM documents. |