Reference: ec2messages, ssmmessages, and other API operations - AWS Systems Manager

Reference: ec2messages, ssmmessages, and other API operations

If you monitor API operations, you might see calls to the following operations:

  • ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage

  • ec2messages:DeleteMessage

  • ec2messages:FailMessage

  • ec2messages:GetEndpoint

  • ec2messages:GetMessages

  • ec2messages:SendReply

  • ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel

  • ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel

  • ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel

  • ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel

  • ssm:DescribeDocumentParameters

  • ssm:DescribeInstanceProperties

  • ssm:GetCalendar

  • ssm:GetManifest

  • ssm:ListInstanceAssociations

  • ssm:PutCalendar

  • ssm:PutConfigurePackageResult

  • ssm:RegisterManagedInstance

  • ssm:RequestManagedInstanceRoleToken

  • ssm:UpdateInstanceAssociationStatus

  • ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation

  • ssm:UpdateManagedInstancePublicKey

These are special operations used by AWS Systems Manager, as described in the rest of this topic.

Agent-related API operations (ssmmessages and ec2messages endpoints)

ssmmessages API operations

Systems Manager uses the ssmmessages endpoint for the following two types of API operations:

  • Operations from SSM Agent to Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, in the cloud. This endpoint is required to create and delete session channels with the Session Manager service in the cloud. Additionally, if connectivity is allowed, SSM Agent receives Command documents through this Amazon Message Gateway Service. If connectivity is not allowed, SSM Agent receives Command documents through the Amazon Message Delivery Service. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Session Manager Message Gateway Service.

  • Operations from Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) to the Systems Manager service in the cloud.

ec2messages API operations

ec2messages:* API operations are made to the Amazon Message Delivery Service endpoint. Systems Manager uses this endpoint for API operations from Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) to the Systems Manager service in the cloud.


ec2messages:* API operations are supported only in AWS Regions that launched before 2024. In Regions launched in 2024 and later, only ssmmessages:* API operations are supported.

Endpoint connection precedence

Beginning with version of SSM Agent, Systems Manager began using the ssmmessages:* endpoint (Amazon Message Gateway Service) whenever available instead of the ec2messages:* endpoint (Amazon Message Delivery Service).

If you provide access to ssmmessages:* in your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission policies, SSM Agent connects to the ssmmessages:* endpoint, even if your IAM instance profile is configured to allow both endpoints. This includes policies for IAM instance profiles and IAM service roles you have created yourself, and for IAM instance profiles created by the Quick Setup Host management configuration and Default Host Management Configuration.

If you have provided permissions for both endpoints and monitor API operations using, for example, CloudWatch Metrics, you will see no calls to ec2messages:*.

For AWS Regions launched before 2024: You can safely remove ec2messages:* permissions from your policies at this time.

Endpoint connection failover

For AWS Regions launched before 2024 only: If your IAM instance profile does not provide permissions for ssmmessages:* at the time the agent starts, but only ec2messages:*, SSM Agent connects to the ec2messages:* endpoint. If you have both ssmmessages:* and ec2messages:* at the time SSM Agent starts, but remove ssmmessages:* after the agent starts, SSM Agent soon switches the connection to the ec2messages:* endpoint. For Regions launched in 2024 and later, only the ssmmessages:* endpoint is supported.

For more information about the ssmmessages and ec2messages:* endpoints, see the following topics in the AWS Service Authorization Reference.

ssm:* namespace instance-related API operations


Systems Manager runs this API operation to render specific nodes in the Amazon EC2 console. Results of the DescribeDocumentParameters operation are displayed in the Documents node.


Systems Manager runs this API operations to render specific nodes in the Amazon EC2 console. Results of the DescribeInstanceProperties operation are displayed in the Fleet Manager node.


Systems Manager runs this API operation to render Change Calendar type documents in the Change Calendar console.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to determine system requirements for installing or updating a specified version of an AWS Systems Manager Distributor package. This is a legacy API operation and not available in AWS Regions launched after 2017.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to see if a new State Manager association is available. This API operation is required for State Manager to function.


Systems Manager runs this API operation to update Change Calendar type documents in the Change Calendar console.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to publish installation error and latency metrics for public Distributor packages to the package owner’s account.


SSM Agent runs this API operation for the following scenarios:

  • To register an on-premises server or virtual machine (VM) with Systems Manager as a managed instance using an activation code and ID.

  • To register AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 credentials.

This operation is also called by Amazon EC2 instances running SSM Agent version 3.1.x or later.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to retrieve temporary credentials to access the managed node.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to update an association. This API operation is required for State Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, to function.


SSM Agent calls the Systems Manager service in the cloud every 5 minutes to provide heartbeat information. This call is necessary to maintain a heartbeat with the agent so that the service knows the agent is functioning as expected.


SSM Agent runs this API operation to provide the public key after rotating the key pair on the managed node. The public key is used to authenticate the requests, signed with the private key, to get temporary credentials from Systems Manager.