Troubleshooting Systems Manager Run Command - AWS Systems Manager

Troubleshooting Systems Manager Run Command

Run Command, a tool in AWS Systems Manager, provides status details with each command execution. For more information about the details of command statuses, see Understanding command statuses. You can also use the information in this topic to help troubleshoot problems with Run Command.

Some of my managed nodes are missing

In the Run a command page, after you choose an SSM document to run and select Manually selecting instances in the Targets section, a list is displayed of managed nodes you can choose to run the command on.

If a managed node you expect to see isn't listed, see Troubleshooting managed node availability for troubleshooting tips.

After you create, activate, reboot, or restart a managed node, install Run Command on a node, or attach an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile to a node, it can take a few minutes for the managed node to be added to the list.

A step in my script failed, but the overall status is 'succeeded'

Using Run Command, you can define how your scripts handle exit codes. By default, the exit code of the last command run in a script is reported as the exit code for the entire script. You can, however, include a conditional statement to exit the script if any command before the final one fails. For information and examples, see Specify exit codes in commands.

SSM Agent isn't running properly

If you experience problems running commands using Run Command, there might be a problem with the SSM Agent. For information about investigating issues with SSM Agent, see Troubleshooting SSM Agent.