Analyze Lending Response Objects - Amazon Textract

Analyze Lending Response Objects

When you submit a document to the Analyze Lending workflow, the document is split apart into individual pages and the pages are classified. The individual pages are then sent to the appropriate Amazon Textract operation for further analysis, depending on their classification. Amazon Textract analyzes the data and returns the relevant information extracted from the documents, such as detected signatures, identity information, forms, expense values, and queries data.

After processing a document with StartLendingAnalysis, you can obtain analysis results for individual pages by using GetLendingAnalysis, or you can get a summary of the information in the document with GetLendingAnalysisSummary. The returned summary includes information about documents grouped together by a common document type.

The results for the analysis of individual pages follow one general structure, regardless of the class of the document. The response from GetLendingAnalysis contains information regarding the page number and page classification, along with the information extracted by one of Amazon Textract ’s analysis operations. For the general structure of the analysis results, see the following example :

{ "Page": number, "PageClassification": { "PageNumber": [ { "Confidence": number, "Value": "string" } ], "PageType": [ { "Confidence": number, "Value": "string" } ] }, "Extractions": [ { LendingDocument | ExpenseDocument | IdentityDocument } ] }

GetLendingAnalysis returns a structure that contains information on the page classification and the relevant information extracted from the given page using the appropriate operation. The Page entity refers to the physical page number, PageNumber refers to the detected page number, and PageClassification is the class detected for the page. The information extracted by an analysis operation is stored in the Extractions structure, which contains the normalized key-value pairs from the appropriate operation.

In the following sample response, the document is a LendingDocument and contains extracted information and associated structures:

{ "DocumentMetadata": { "Pages": 1 }, "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "Results": [ { "Page": 1, "PageClassification": { "PageType": [ { "Value": "1005", "Confidence": 99.99947357177734 } ], "PageNumber": [ { "Value": "undetected", "Confidence": 100.0 } ] }, "Extractions": [ { "LendingDocument": { "LendingFields": [ { "Type": "OVERTIME_CONTINUANCE_LIKELY", "ValueDetections": [ { "Text": "Yes", "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.019448408856987953, "Height": 0.007367494981735945, "Left": 0.8211431503295898, "Top": 0.485835462808609 }, "Polygon": [ { "X": 0.8211431503295898, "Y": 0.485835462808609 }, { "X": 0.8405909538269043, "Y": 0.4858577847480774 }, { "X": 0.840591549873352, "Y": 0.49320295453071594 }, { "X": 0.8211436867713928, "Y": 0.4931805729866028 } ] }, "Confidence": 95.0 } ] }, { "Type": "CURRENT_GROSS_PAY_WEEKLY", "KeyDetection": { "Text": "Weekly", "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.039741966873407364, "Height": 0.009058262221515179, "Left": 0.17564243078231812, "Top": 0.5004485845565796 }, "Polygon": [ { "X": 0.17564436793327332, "Y": 0.5004485845565796 }, { "X": 0.21538439393043518, "Y": 0.5004944205284119 }, { "X": 0.2153826206922531, "Y": 0.5095068216323853 }, { "X": 0.17564243078231812, "Y": 0.5094608664512634 } ] }, "Confidence": 99.98104858398438 }, "ValueDetections": [ { "SelectionStatus": "NOT_SELECTED", "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.010146399028599262, "Height": 0.00771764200180769, "Left": 0.1600940227508545, "Top": 0.5003445148468018 }, "Polygon": [ { "X": 0.16009573638439178, "Y": 0.5003445148468018 }, { "X": 0.17024043202400208, "Y": 0.5003561973571777 }, { "X": 0.17023874819278717, "Y": 0.5080621242523193 }, { "X": 0.1600940227508545, "Y": 0.5080504417419434 } ] }, "Confidence": 99.88064575195312 } ] } ], "SignatureDetections": [ { "Confidence": 98.95830535888672, "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.1505945473909378, "Height": 0.019163239747285843, "Left": 0.1145595833659172, "Top": 0.8886017799377441 }, "Polygon": [ { "X": 0.11456418037414551, "Y": 0.8886017799377441 }, { "X": 0.2651541233062744, "Y": 0.8887989521026611 }, { "X": 0.2651508152484894, "Y": 0.9077650308609009 }, { "X": 0.1145595833659172, "Y": 0.9075667262077332 } ] } } ] } } ] } ], "AnalyzeLendingModelVersion": "1.0" }

Responses from GetLendingAnalysis may include the following attributes:

  • Text – The detected text.

  • Confidence – The Confidence score for the detected text.

  • Geometry – Location information for the detected text.

  • LendingDocument – Holds the structured data returned by Analyze Lending for lending documents.

  • LendingField – Holds the normalized key-value pairs returned by Analyze Lending, including the normalized key for the detection, detected text, and geometry.

  • LendingFields – An array of LendingField objects.

  • Type – The normalized value associated with a detection. For a list of all possible document types, click here.

  • ValueDetections – An array of LendingDetection objects.

  • LendingDetection – The results extracted for a lending document.

  • SelectionStatus – The selection status of a selection element, such as an option button or check box.

  • KeyDetection – Object containing information about the detected key.

  • SignatureDetections – An array of SignatureDetection objects, which contain information regarding detected signatures.

  • SignatureDetection – Information regarding the confidence and geometry for the detected signatures.

ExpenseDocument extractions contain structures defined in Invoice and Receipt Response Objects.

IdentityDocument extractions contain structures defined in Identity Documentation Response Objects.

For an example of the summary returned by the GetLendingAnalysisSummary operation, see the following:

{ "DocumentMetadata": { "Pages": 1 }, "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "Summary": { "DocumentGroups": [ { "Type": "1005", "SplitDocuments": [ { "Index": 1, "Pages": [ 1 ] } ], "DetectedSignatures": [ { "Page": 1 } ], "UndetectedSignatures": [] } ], "UndetectedDocumentTypes": [ "1040_SCHEDULE_C", "1099_INT", "1099_SSA", "DEMOGRAPHIC_ADDENDUM", "1065", "1040", "1120_S", "IDENTITY_DOCUMENT", "SSA_89", "MORTGAGE_STATEMENT", "1099_MISC", "CHECKS", "HOA_STATEMENT", "INVESTMENT_STATEMENT", "1120", "1003", "VBA_26_0551", "1099_R", "PAYSLIPS", "1008", "W_2", "1099_NEC", "BANK_STATEMENT", "1040_SCHEDULE_E", "UTILITY_BILLS", "W_9", "UNCLASSIFIED", "HUD_92900_B", "PAYOFF_STATEMENT", "1099_G", "CREDIT_CARD_STATEMENT", "INVOICES", "RECEIPTS", "1040_SCHEDULE_D", "1099_DIV" ] }, "AnalyzeLendingModelVersion": "1.0" }

The response elements returned by GetLendingAnalysisSummary include:

  • LendingSummary - Contains information regarding DocumentGroups and UndetectedDocumentTypes.

  • DocumentGroup - Contains information about all the documents grouped by the same document type.

  • DocumentGroups - Contains an array of all DocumentGroup objects.

  • Type - The type of the documents in a DocumentGroup.

  • SplitDocument - Contains information about the pages of a document, defined by logical boundary with regard to document type.

  • SplitDocuments - An array of SplitDocument objects.

  • Index - The index for a given document in a DocumentGroup of a specific Type.

  • Pages - An array of page numbers for a given document, ordered by a logical boundary with regard to document type.

  • UndetectedDocumentTypes - An array of strings, in which each string represents an undetected document type.

For documents that have a signature field, the following structures are included in the response:

  • DetectedSignature – Contains information about the page where a signature was found.

  • DetectedSignatures –An array of DetectedSignature objects.

  • Page (within DetectedSignature and UndetectedSignature objects) – Physical page number in the document.

  • UndetectedSignature – Contains information about the page where a signature was expected, but was not found. Refer this list <add link> to understand where a signature is expected.

  • UndetectedSignatures – An array of UndetectedSignature objects.

Document Types

The following table contains a list of all document types recognized by Analyze Lending. Also indicated is whether the document has a signature field:

Type Signature
1003 YES
1005 YES
1008 YES
1040 YES
1065 YES
1120 YES
1099_DIV NO
1099_G NO
1099_INT NO
1099_MISC NO
1099_NEC NO
1099_R NO
1099_SSA NO
1120_S YES
HUD_92900_B YES
VBA_26_0551 YES
W_2 NO