Setting up the Timestream for LiveAnalytics ODBC driver - Amazon Timestream

Setting up the Timestream for LiveAnalytics ODBC driver

Set up access to Timestream for LiveAnalytics in your AWS account

If you haven't already set up your AWS account to work with Timestream for LiveAnalytics, follow the insructions in Accessing Timestream for LiveAnalytics.

Install the ODBC driver on your system

Download the appropriate Timestream ODBC driver installer for your system from the ODBC GitHub repository, and follow the installation instructions that apply to your system:.

Set up a data source name (DSN) for the ODBC driver

Follow the instructions in the DSN configuration guide for your system:

Set up your business intelligence (BI) application to work with the ODBC driver

Here are instructions for setting several common BI applications to work with the ODBC driver:

For other applications