Timestream for LiveAnalytics metrics and dimensions - Amazon Timestream

Timestream for LiveAnalytics metrics and dimensions

When you interact with Timestream for LiveAnalytics, it sends the following metrics and dimensions to Amazon CloudWatch. All metrics are aggregated and reported every minute. You can use the following procedures to view the metrics for Timestream for LiveAnalytics.

To view metrics using the CloudWatch console

Metrics are grouped first by the service namespace, and then by the various dimension combinations within each namespace.

  1. Open the CloudWatch console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/.

  2. If necessary, change the Region. On the navigation bar, choose the Region where your AWS resources reside. For more information, see AWS Service Endpoints.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics.

  4. Under the All metrics tab, choose AWS/Timestream for LiveAnalytics.

To view metrics using the AWS CLI
  • At a command prompt, use the following command.

    aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace "AWS/Timestream"

Dimensions for Timestream for LiveAnalytics metrics

The metrics for Timestream for LiveAnalytics are qualified by the values for the account, table name, or operation. You can use the CloudWatch console to retrieve Timestream for LiveAnalytics data along any of the dimensions in the following table:

Dimension Description

This dimension limits the data to a specific Timestream for LiveAnalytics database. This value can be any database in the current Region and the current AWS account


This dimension limits the data to one of the Timestream for LiveAnalytics operations, such as Storage, WriteRecords, BatchLoad, or ScheduledQuery. See the Timestream for LiveAnalytics Query API Reference for a list of available values.


This dimension limits the data to a specific table in a Timestream for LiveAnalyticss database.


CumulativeBytesMetered, UserErrors and SystemErrors metrics only have the Operation dimension. SuccessfulRequestLatency metrics always have Operation dimension, but may also have the DatabaseName and TableName dimensions too, depending on the value of Operation. This is because Timestream for LiveAnalytics table-level operations have DatabaseName and TableName as dimensions, but account level operations do not.

Timestream for LiveAnalytics metrics


Amazon CloudWatch aggregates all the following Timestream for LiveAnalytics metrics at one-minute intervals.

General metrics
Metric Description


The successful requests to Timestream for LiveAnalytics during the specified time period. SuccessfulRequestLatency can provide two different kinds of information:

  • The elapsed time for successful requests (Minimum, Maximum,Sum, or Average).

  • The number of successful requests (SampleCount).

SuccessfulRequestLatency reflects activity only within Timestream for LiveAnalytics and does not take into account network latency or client-side activity.

Units: Milliseconds

  • DatabaseName

  • TableName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Average

  • SampleCount

  • P10

  • p50

  • p90

  • p95

  • p99

Writing and storage metrics
Metric Description


The number of magnetic store written records that were rejected asynchronously. This can happen if the new record has a version that is less than the current version or the new record has version equal to the current version but has different data.

Units: Count

  • DatabaseName

  • TableName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


The number of magnetic store rejected record reports that were not uploaded due to user errors. This can be due to IAM permissions not configured correctly or a deleted S3 bucket.

Units: Count

  • DatabaseName

  • TableName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


The number of magnetic store rejected record reports that were not uploaded due to system errors.

Units: Count

  • DatabaseName

  • TableName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


The number of magnetic store partitions actively ingesting data at a given time.

Units: Count

  • DatabaseName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


The oldest write to a magnetic store that is not available for query. Records written to the magnetic store will be available for querying within 6 hours.

Units: Milliseconds

  • DatabaseName

  • TableName

  • Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Average

  • SampleCount

  • P10

  • p50

  • p90

  • p95

  • p99


The amount of data stored in memory store, in bytes

Units: Bytes

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Average


The amount of data stored in magnetic store, in bytes

Units: Bytes

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Average


The amount of data metered by ingestion to Timestream for LiveAnalytics, in bytes.

Units: Bytes

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics: Sum


The number of records ingested into Timestream for LiveAnalytics.

Units: Count

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics: Sum

Query metrics
Metric Description


The amount of data scanned by queries sent to Timestream for LiveAnalytics, in bytes.

Units: Bytes

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum


The Timestream Compute Units (TCUs) consumed for query workload in the account. This metric is emitted with maximum and minimum compute units for every minute during active query workload from the account.

Units: Count

Valid Statistics: Minimum, Maximum

Dimensions: Service: Timestream, Resource: QueryTCU, Type: Resource, Class: OnDemand

Error metrics
Metric Description


The requests to Timestream for LiveAnalytics that generate a SystemError during the specified time period. A SystemError usually indicates an internal service error.

Units: Count

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


Requests to Timestream for LiveAnalytics that generate an InvalidRequest error during the specified time period. An InvalidRequest usually indicates a client-side error, such as an invalid combination of parameters, an attempt to update a nonexistent table, or an incorrect request signature. UserErrors represents the aggregate of invalid requests for the current AWS Region and the current AWS account.

Units: Count

Dimensions: Operation

Valid Statistics:

  • Sum

  • SampleCount


Not all statistics, such as Average or Sum, are applicable for every metric. However, all of these values are available through the Timestream for LiveAnalytics console, or by using the CloudWatch console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs for all metrics.