Working with Amazon CodeCatalyst resources in VS Code - AWS Toolkit for VS Code

Working with Amazon CodeCatalyst resources in VS Code

The following sections provide an overview of the Amazon CodeCatalyst resource management features that are available from the Toolkit for VS Code.

For more information about Dev Environments and how you can access them from CodeCatalyst, see the Dev Environments section in the Amazon CodeCatalyst User Guide.

The following sections describe how to create, open, and work with Dev Environments from VS Code.

Clone a repository

CodeCatalyst is a cloud-based service that requires you to be connected to the cloud to work on CodeCatalyst projects. If you prefer to work on a project locally, you can clone your CodeCatalyst repositories to your local machine and sync it with your CodeCatalyst project online, the next time that you're connected to the cloud.

To clone a repository from your CodeCatalyst account to VS Code with the AWS Toolkit, complete the following steps:


If you are cloning a repository from a 3rd party service, you may be prompted to authenticate with that service's credentials.

While the repository is being cloned, VS Code displays the progress in the Cloning Repository status window. After the repository is cloned, the Would you like to open the cloned repository? message appears.

  1. From the Toolkit for VS Code, expand the DEVELOPER TOOLS explorer.

  2. Expand CodeCatalyst, choose Clone Repository.

  3. From the Select a CodeCatalyst Repository dialog, search for the repository that you want to clone, then select it to open the Choose a folder to clone dialog.

  4. Choose Select Repository Location to close the prompt and begin cloning the repository.

  5. From the dialog window, choose one of the following to complete the cloning process:

    • To open your repository in your current VS Code window, choose Open.

    • To open your repository in a new VS Code window, choose Open in new window.

    • To complete the cloning process without opening your repository, close the dialog window.

Opening a Dev Environment

To open an existing Dev Environment in VS Code, complete the following steps.


Selecting the Dev Environment starts the process to connect VS Code with CodeCatalyst by opening your Dev Environment. During this process, VS Code displays progress updates in a CodeCatalyst status window. The status window updates when the process is complete.

  • If the Dev Environment fails to open, the status updates with information about why the process failed and a link to open the process logs.

  • If the process is successful, your Dev Environment opens in a new window, from VS Code.

  1. From the Toolkit for VS Code, expand the DEVELOPER TOOLS explorer.

  2. Expand CodeCatalyst and choose Open Dev Environment to open the Select a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment dialog in VS Code.

  3. From the Select a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment dialog, choose the Dev Environment that you want to open.

Creating a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

To create a new Dev Environment, complete the following steps:


When creating a new Dev Environment, observe the following:

  • AWS recommends that you specify an alias because it simplifies organization and improves search capabilities for Dev Environments.

  • Dev Environments saves your work persistently. This means that your Dev Environment can be stopped without losing your work. Stopping your Dev Environment reduces the costs that are required to keep you Dev Environment up and running.

  • Storage is the only setting that can't be changed after your Dev Environment has been created.

  • VS Code displays the progress of your Dev Environment being created in a status window. After the Dev Environment is created, VS Code opens the Dev Environment in a new window and the Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder? prompt also appears. Agree to the terms and conditions to continue working in your Dev Environment.

  1. From the Toolkit for VS Code, expand the DEVELOPER TOOLS explorer.

  2. Expand CodeCatalyst, and choose the Create Dev Environment option to open the Create a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment menu in VS Code.

  3. From the Source Code section, choose one of the following options:

    • Use an existing CodeCatalyst Repository: Creates a Dev Environment from an existing CodeCatalyst repository. You must select the CodeCatalyst Project and Branch.

    • Create an empty Dev Environment: Creates an empty Dev Environment.

  4. (Optional) From the Alias section, enter an alternate name for your Dev Environment.

  5. (Optional) From the Dev Environments Configuration section, change the following settings to meet your specific needs.

    • Compute: Choose Edit Compute to change the amount of processing power and RAM that's assigned to your system.

    • Timeout: Choose Edit Timeout to change the amount of system idle time allowed before your Dev Environment is stopped.

    • Storage: Choose Edit Storage Size to change the amount of storage space that's assigned to your system.

  6. Choose Create Dev Environment to create your new cloud development environment.

You can create Dev Environments from a third-party repository by linking to the repository as a source.

Linking to a third-party repository as a source is handled at the project level in CodeCatalyst. For instructions and additional details on how to connect a third-party repository to your Dev Environment, see the Linking a source repository topic in the Amazon CodeCatalyst User Guide.

CodeCatalyst commands in VS Code

There are additional VS Code commands that are assigned to CodeCatalyst-related features that aren't displayed directly in the AWS Toolkit.

To view a list of commands that are assigned to CodeCatalyst from the command palette, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Toolkit for VS Code, expand the DEVELOPER TOOLS explorer.

  2. Choose Show CodeCatalyst Commands to open the Command Palette with a pre-populated search for CodeCatalyst.

  3. Select a CodeCatalyst command from the list to activate it.