Differences between Amazon Verified Permissions and the Cedar policy language - Amazon Verified Permissions

Differences between Amazon Verified Permissions and the Cedar policy language

Amazon Verified Permissions uses the Cedar policy language engine to perform its authorization tasks. However, there are some differences between the native Cedar implementation and the implementation of Cedar found in Verified Permissions. This topic identifies those differences.

Namespace definition

Verified Permissions implementation of Cedar has the following differences from the native Cedar implementation:

  • Verified Permissions supports only one namespace in a schema defined in a policy store.

  • Verified Permissions doesn't allow you to create a namespace that's an empty string or includes the following values: aws, amazon, or cedar.

Policy template support

Both Verified Permissions and Cedar allow placeholders in the scope for only the principal and resource. However, Verified Permissions also requires that neither the principal and resource are unconstrained.

The following policy is valid in Cedar but is rejected by Verified Permissions because the principal is unconstrained.

permit(principal, action == Action::"view", resource == ?resource);

Both of the following examples are valid in both Cedar and Verified Permissions because both the principal and resource have constraints.

permit(principal == User::"alice", action == Action::"view", resource == ?resource);
permit(principal == ?principal, action == Action::"a", resource in ?resource);

Schema support

Verified Permissions requires all schema JSON key names to be non-empty strings. Cedar allows empty strings in a few cases, such as for properties or namespaces.

Action groups definition

The Cedar authorization methods require a list of the entities to be considered when evaluating an authorization request against the policies.

You can define the actions and action groups used by your application in the schema. However, Cedar doesn't include the schema as part of an evaluation request. Instead, Cedar uses the schema only to validate the policies and policy templates that you submit. Because Cedar doesn't reference the schema during evaluation requests, even if you defined action groups in the schema, you must also include the list of any action groups as part of the entities list you must pass to the authorization API operations.

Verified Permissions does this for you. Any action groups that you define in your schema are automatically appended to the entities list that you pass to as a parameter to the IsAuthorized or IsAuthorizedWithToken operations.

Entity formatting

The JSON formatting of entities in Verified Permissions using the entityList parameter differs from Cedar in the following ways:

  • In Verified Permissions, a JSON object must have all of its key-value pairs wrapped in a JSON object with the name of Record.

  • A JSON list in Verified Permissions must be wrapped in a JSON key-value pair where the key name is Set and the value is the original JSON list from Cedar.

  • For String, Long, and Boolean type names, each key-value pair from Cedar is replaced by a JSON object in Verified Permissions. The name of the object is the original key name. Inside the JSON object, there is one key-value pair where the key name is the type name of the scalar value (String, Long, or Boolean) and the value is the value from the Cedar entity.

  • The syntax formatting of Cedar entities and Verified Permissions entities differs in the following ways:

    Cedar format Verified Permissions format
    uid Identifier
    type EntityType
    id EntityId
    attrs Attributes
    parents Parents
Example - Lists

The following examples show how a list of entities is expressed in Cedar and Verified Permissions, respectively.

[ { "number": 1 }, { "sentence": "Here is an example sentence" }, { "Question": false } ]
Verified Permissions
{ "Set": [ { "Record": { "number": { "Long": 1 } } }, { "Record": { "sentence": { "String": "Here is an example sentence" } } }, { "Record": { "question": { "Boolean": false } } } ] }
Example - Policy evaluation

The following examples shows how entities are formatted for evaluating a policy in an authorization request in Cedar and Verified Permissions, respectively.

[ { "uid": { "type": "PhotoApp::User", "id": "alice" }, "attrs": { "age": 25, "name": "alice", "userId": "123456789012" }, "parents": [ { "type": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "id": "alice_friends" }, { "type": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "id": "AVTeam" } ] }, { "uid": { "type": "PhotoApp::Photo", "id": "vacationPhoto.jpg" }, "attrs": { "private": false, "account": { "__entity": { "type": "PhotoApp::Account", "id": "ahmad" } } }, "parents": [] }, { "uid": { "type": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "id": "alice_friends" }, "attrs": {}, "parents": [] }, { "uid": { "type": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "id": "AVTeam" }, "attrs": {}, "parents": [] } ]
Verified Permissions
[ { "Identifier": { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::User", "EntityId": "alice" }, "Attributes": { "age": { "Long": 25 }, "name": { "String": "alice" }, "userId": { "String": "123456789012" } }, "Parents": [ { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "EntityId": "alice_friends" }, { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "EntityId": "AVTeam" } ] }, { "Identifier": { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::Photo", "EntityId": "vacationPhoto.jpg" }, "Attributes": { "private": { "Boolean": false }, "account": { "EntityIdentifier": { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::Account", "EntityId": "ahmad" } } }, "Parents": [] }, { "Identifier": { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "EntityId": "alice_friends" }, "Parents": [] }, { "Identifier": { "EntityType": "PhotoApp::UserGroup", "EntityId": "AVTeam" }, "Parents": [] } ]

Length and size limits

Verified Permissions supports storage in the form of policy stores to hold your schema, policies, and policy templates. That storage causes Verified Permissions to impose some length and size limits that aren't relevant to Cedar.

Object Verified Permissions limit (in bytes) Cedar limit
Policy size¹ 10,000 None
Inline policy description 150 Not applicable to Cedar
Policy template size 10,000 None
Schema size 100,000 None
Entity type 200 None
Policy ID 64 None
Policy template ID 64 None
Entity ID 200 None
Policy store ID 64 Not applicable to Cedar

¹ There is a limit for policies per policy store in Verified Permissions based on the combined size of principals, actions, and resources of policies created in the policy store. The total size of all policies pertaining to a single resource can't exceed 200,000 bytes. For template-linked policies, the size of the policy template is counted only once, plus the size of each set of parameters used to instantiate each template-linked policy.