CloudWatch metrics for Amazon VPC Lattice - Amazon VPC Lattice

CloudWatch metrics for Amazon VPC Lattice

Amazon VPC Lattice sends data related to your target groups and services to Amazon CloudWatch, and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. These metrics are kept for 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon VPC Lattice uses a service-linked role in your AWS account to send metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see Using service-linked roles for Amazon VPC Lattice.

View Amazon CloudWatch metrics

You can view the Amazon CloudWatch metrics for your target groups and services using the CloudWatch console or AWS CLI.

To view metrics using the CloudWatch console
  1. Open the Amazon CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics.

  3. Select the AWS/VpcLattice namespace.

  4. (Optional) To view a metric across all dimensions, enter its name in the search field.

  5. (Optional) To filter by dimension, select one of the following:

    • To display only the metrics reported for your target groups, choose Target groups. To view the metrics for a single target group, enter its name in the search field.

    • To display only the metrics reported for your services, choose Services. To view the metrics for a single service, enter its name in the search field.

To view metrics using the AWS CLI

Use the following CloudWatch list-metrics AWS CLI command to list the available metrics:

aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace AWS/VpcLattice

For information about each of the metrics and their dimensions, see Target group metrics and Service metrics.

Target group metrics

VPC Lattice automatically stores metrics related to target groups in the AWS/VpcLattice Amazon CloudWatch namespace. For more information about target groups, see Target groups in VPC Lattice.


To filter the metrics for target groups, use the following dimensions:

  • AvailabilityZone

  • TargetGroup

Metric Description

Total connections.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Active connections.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total connection failures.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total HTTP/1.1 connections.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total HTTP/2 connections.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total connection connect timeouts.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total received connection bytes.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total sent connection bytes.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total requests.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total active requests.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Request time in milliseconds.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

HTTPCode_2XX_Count, HTTPCode_3XX_Count, HTTPCode_4XX_Count, HTTPCode_5XX_Count

Aggregate HTTP response codes.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total TLS connection errors not including failed certificate verifications.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total successful TLS connection handshakes.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.

Service metrics

VPC Lattice automatically stores metrics related to services in the AWS/VpcLattice Amazon CloudWatch namespace. For more information about services, see Services in VPC Lattice.


To filter the metrics for target groups, use the following dimensions:

  • AvailabilityZone

  • Service

Metric Description

Total requests that timed out waiting for a response.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or nonzero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Total requests.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.


Request time in milliseconds.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistics are Average and pNN.NN (percentiles).

HTTPCode_2XX_Count, HTTPCode_3XX_Count, HTTPCode_4XX_Count, HTTPCode_5XX_Count

Aggregate HTTP response codes.

Reporting criteria
  • Always reported (whether it's a zero or non-zero value) from the time the resource receives traffic.

Reporting frequency
  • Once a minute.

  • The most useful statistic is Sum.