Create a top-level IPv4 pool - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Create a top-level IPv4 pool

Follow the steps in this section to create an IPv4 top-level IPAM pool. When you create the pool, you provision a CIDR for the pool to use. You then assign that space to an allocation. An allocation is a CIDR assignment from an IPAM pool to another IPAM pool or to a resource.

The following example shows the hierarchy of the pool structure that you can create with instructions in this guide. At this step, you are creating the top-level IPAM pool:

  • IPAM operating in AWS Region 1 and AWS Region 2

    • Private scope

      • Top-level pool (

        • Regional pool in AWS Region 1 (

          • Development pool for non-production VPCs (

            • Allocation for a VPC (

In the preceding example, the CIDRs that are used are examples only. They illustrate that each pool within the top-level pool is provisioned with a portion of the top-level CIDR.

When you create an IPAM pool, you can configure rules for the allocations that are made within the IPAM pool.

Allocation rules enable you to configure the following:

  • Whether IPAM should automatically import CIDRs into the IPAM pool if it finds them within this pool's CIDR range

  • The required netmask length for allocations within the pool

  • The required tags for resources within the pool

  • The required locale for resources within the pool. The locale is the AWS Region where an IPAM pool is available for allocations.

Allocation rules determine whether resources are compliant or noncompliant. For additional information about compliance, see Monitor CIDR usage by resource.


There is an additional implicit rule that is not displayed in the allocation rules. If the resource is in an IPAM pool that is a shared resource in AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM), the resource owner must be configured as a principal in AWS RAM. For more information about sharing pools with RAM, see Share an IPAM pool using AWS RAM.

The following example shows how you might use allocation rules to control access to an IPAM pool:

When you create your pools based on routing and security needs, you might want to allow only certain resources to use a pool. In such cases, you can set an allocation rule stating that any resource that wants a CIDR from this pool must have a tag that matches the allocation rule tag requirements. For example, you could set an allocation rule stating that only VPCs with the tag prod can get CIDRs from an IPAM pool. You could also set a rule stating that CIDRs allocated from this pool can be no larger than /24. In this case, creating a resource using a CIDR larger than /24 from this pool violates an allocation rule on the pool and creation fails. Existing resources with a CIDR larger than /24 are flagged as noncompliant.


This topic covers how to create a top-level IPv4 pool with an IP address range provided by AWS. If you want to bring your own IPv4 address range to AWS (BYOIP), there are prerequisites. For more information, see Tutorial: Bring your IP addresses to IPAM.

AWS Management Console
To create a pool
  1. Open the IPAM console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Pools.

  3. Choose Create pool.

  4. Under IPAM scope, choose the private scope you want to use. For more information about scopes, see How IPAM works.

    By default, when you create a pool, the default private scope is selected. Pools in the private scope must be IPv4 pools. Pools in the public scope can be IPv4 or IPv6 pools. The public scope is intended for all public space.

  5. (Optional) Add a Name tag for the pool and a description for the pool.

  6. Under Source, choose IPAM scope.

  7. Under Address family, choose IPv4.

  8. Under Resource planning, leave Plan IP space within the scope selected. For more information about using this option to plan for subnet IP space within a VPC, see Tutorial: Plan VPC IP address space for subnet IP allocations.

  9. For the Locale, choose None. You will set the locale on the Regional pool.

    The locale is the AWS Region where you want this IPAM pool to be available for allocations. For example, you can only allocate a CIDR for a VPC from an IPAM pool that shares a locale with the VPC’s Region. Note that when you have chosen a locale for a pool, you cannot modify it. If the home Region of the IPAM is unavailable due to an outage and the pool has a locale different than the home Region of the IPAM, the pool can still be used to allocate IP addresses.

  10. (Optional) You can create a pool without a CIDR, but you won’t be able to use the pool for allocations until you’ve provisioned a CIDR for it. To provision a CIDR, choose Add new CIDR. Enter an IPv4 CIDR to provision for the pool. If you want to bring your own IPv4 or IPv6 IP address range to AWS there are prerequisites. For more information, see Tutorial: Bring your IP addresses to IPAM.

  11. Choose optional allocation rules for this pool:

    • Automatically import discovered resources: This option is not available if the Locale is set to None. If selected, IPAM will continuously look for resources within the CIDR range of this pool and automatically import them as allocations into your IPAM. Note the following:

      • The CIDRs that will be allocated for these resources must not already be allocated to other resources in order for the import to succeed.

      • IPAM will import a CIDR regardless of its compliance with the pool's allocation rules, so a resource might be imported and subsequently marked as noncompliant.

      • If IPAM discovers multiple CIDRs that overlap, IPAM will import the largest CIDR only.

      • If IPAM discovers multiple CIDRs with matching CIDRs, IPAM will randomly import one of them only.

      • After you create an IPAM, when you create a VPC, choose the IPAM-allocated CIDR block option. If you do not, the CIDR you choose for your VPC may overlap with an IPAM CIDR allocation.

      • If you have a VPC already allocated in an IPAM pool, a VPC with an overlapping CIDR cannot be automatically imported. For example, if you have a VPC with a CIDR allocated in an IPAM pool, a VPC with a CIDR (that would cover the CIDR) cannot be imported.

      • It takes some time for existing VPC CIDR allocations to be auto-imported into IPAM.

    • Minimum netmask length: The minimum netmask length required for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant and the largest size CIDR block that can be allocated from the pool. The minimum netmask length must be less than the maximum netmask length. Possible netmask lengths for IPv4 addresses are 0 - 32. Possible netmask lengths for IPv6 addresses are 0 - 128.

    • Default netmask length: A default netmask length for allocations added to this pool. For example, if the CIDR that's provisioned to this pool is and you enter 16 here, any new allocations in this pool will default to a netmask length of /16.

    • Maximum netmask length: The maximum netmask length that will be required for CIDR allocations in this pool. This value dictates the smallest size CIDR block that can be allocated from the pool.

    • Tagging requirements: The tags that are required for resources to allocate space from the pool. If the resources have their tags changed after they have allocated space or if the allocation tagging rules are changed on the pool, the resource may be marked as noncompliant.

    • Locale: The locale that will be required for resources that use CIDRs from this pool. Automatically imported resources that do not have this locale will be marked noncompliant. Resources that are not automatically imported into the pool will not be allowed to allocate space from the pool unless they are in this locale.

  12. (Optional) Choose Tags for the pool.

  13. Choose Create pool.

  14. See Create a Regional IPv4 pool.

Command line

The commands in this section link to the AWS CLI Reference documentation. The documentation provides detailed descriptions of the options that you can use when you run the commands.

Use the following AWS CLI commands to create or edit a top-level pool in your IPAM:

  1. Create a pool: create-ipam-pool.

  2. Edit the pool after you create it to modify the allocation rules: modify-ipam-pool.