Associate a resource discovery with an IPAM
This section describes how to associate a resource discovery with an IPAM. When you associate a resource discovery with an IPAM, the IPAM monitors all resources CIDRs and accounts discovered under the resource discovery. When you create an IPAM, a default resource discovery is created for your IPAM and automatically associated with your IPAM.
The default quota for resource discovery associations is 5. For more information (including how to adjust this quota), see Quotas for your IPAM.
Creating, sharing, and associating resource discoveries is part of the process of integrating IPAM with accounts outside of your organizations (see Integrate IPAM with accounts outside of your organization). If you are not creating an IPAM and integrating it with accounts outside your organization, you do not need to create, share, or associate resource discoveries.
If you are integrating an IPAM with accounts outside of your organizations, this is a required step that must be completed by the Primary Org IPAM Account. For more information about the roles involved in this process, see Process overview.