Modify a VPC attachment using Amazon VPC Transit Gateways - Amazon VPC

Modify a VPC attachment using Amazon VPC Transit Gateways

To modify your VPC attachments using the console
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Transit Gateway Attachments.

  3. Select the VPC attachment, and then choose Actions, Modify transit gateway attachment.

  4. Enable or disable any of the following:

    • DNS support

    • IPv6 support

    • Appliance mode support

  5. To add or remove a subnet from the attachment, choose or clear the checkbox by the Subnet ID you want to add or remove.


    Adding or modifying a VPC attachment subnet might impact data traffic while the attachment is in a modifying state.

  6. To be able to reference a security group across VPCs attached to a transit gateway, select Security Group Referencing support. For more information about security group referencing, see Security group referencing.


    If you disable security group referencing for an existing transit gateway, it will be disabled on all VPC attachments.

  7. Choose Modify transit gateway attachment.

To modify your VPC attachments using the AWS CLI

Use the modify-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment command.