Run a predefined query - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Run a predefined query

The generated CloudFormation template provides a set of predefined queries that you can run to quickly get meaningful insights about the traffic in your AWS network. After you create the stack and verify that all resources were created correctly, you can run one of the predefined queries.

To run a predefined query using the console
  1. Open the Athena console.

  2. In the left nav, choose Query editor. Under Workgroup, select the workgroup created by the CloudFormation template.

  3. Select Saved queries, select a query, modify the parameters as needed, and run the query. For a list of available predefined queries, see Predefined queries.

  4. Under Query results, view the query results.

Predefined queries

The following is the complete list of Athena named queries. The predefined queries that are provided when you generate the template depend on the fields that are part of the log record format for the flow log. Therefore, the template might not contain all of these predefined queries.

  • VpcFlowLogsAcceptedTraffic – The TCP connections that were allowed based on your security groups and network ACLs.

  • VpcFlowLogsAdminPortTraffic – The top 10 IP addresses with the most traffic, as recorded by applications serving requests on administrative ports.

  • VpcFlowLogsIPv4Traffic – The total bytes of IPv4 traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsIPv6Traffic – The total bytes of IPv6 traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsRejectedTCPTraffic – The TCP connections that were rejected based on your security groups or network ACLs.

  • VpcFlowLogsRejectedTraffic – The traffic that was rejected based on your security groups or network ACLs.

  • VpcFlowLogsSshRdpTraffic – The SSH and RDP traffic.

  • VpcFlowLogsTopTalkers – The 50 IP addresses with the most traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTopTalkersPacketLevel – The 50 packet-level IP addresses with the most traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTopTalkingInstances – The IDs of the 50 instances with the most traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTopTalkingSubnets – The IDs of the 50 subnets with the most traffic recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTopTCPTraffic – All TCP traffic recorded for a source IP address.

  • VpcFlowLogsTotalBytesTransferred – The 50 pairs of source and destination IP addresses with the most bytes recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTotalBytesTransferredPacketLevel – The 50 pairs of packet-level source and destination IP addresses with the most bytes recorded.

  • VpcFlowLogsTrafficFrmSrcAddr – The traffic recorded for a specific source IP address.

  • VpcFlowLogsTrafficToDstAddr – The traffic recorded for a specific destination IP address.