Generate an AWS Client VPN client certificate revocation list - AWS Client VPN

Generate an AWS Client VPN client certificate revocation list

You can generate a Client VPN certificate revocation list on either a Linux/macOS or Windows operating system. The revocation list is used to revoke access to a Client VPN endpoint for specific certificates. For more information about client certificate revocation lists, see Client certificate revocation lists.


In the following procedure, you generate a client certificate revocation list using the OpenVPN easy-rsa command line utility.

To generate a client certificate revocation list using OpenVPN easy-rsa
  1. Log on to the server hosting the easyrsa installation used to generate the certificate.

  2. Navigate into the easy-rsa/easyrsa3 folder in your local repo.

    $ cd easy-rsa/easyrsa3
  3. Revoke the client certificate and generate the client revocation list.

    $ ./easyrsa revoke client1.domain.tld $ ./easyrsa gen-crl

    Enter yes when prompted.


The following procedure uses the OpenVPN software to generate a client revocation list. It assumes that you followed the steps for using the OpenVPN software to generate the client and server certificates and keys.

To generate a client certificate revocation list using EasyRSA version 3.x.x
  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the EasyRSA-3.x.x directory, which will depend on where it is installed on your system.

    C:\> cd c:\Users\windows\EasyRSA-3.x.x
  2. Run the EasyRSA-Start.bat file to start the EasyRSA shell.

    C:\> .\EasyRSA-Start.bat
  3. In the EasyRSA shell, revoke the client certificate.

    # ./easyrsa revoke client_certificate_name
  4. Enter yes when prompted.

  5. Generate the client revocation list.

    # ./easyrsa gen-crl
  6. The client revocation list will be created in the following location:

To generate a client certificate revocation list using previous EasyRSA versions
  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the OpenVPN directory.

    C:\> cd \Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa
  2. Run the vars.bat file.

    C:\> vars
  3. Revoke the client certificate and generate the client revocation list.

    C:\> revoke-full client_certificate_name C:\> more crl.pem