Connect to a Client VPN endpoint using an AWS provided client - AWS Client VPN

Connect to a Client VPN endpoint using an AWS provided client

You can connect to a Client VPN endpoint using the AWS provided client. The AWS provided client is supported on Windows, macOS, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

OpenVPN directives

The AWS provided client supports the following OpenVPN directives:

  • auth-federate

  • auth-nocache

  • auth-retry

  • auth-user-pass

  • ca

  • cert

  • cipher

  • client

  • connect-retry

  • connect-retry-max

  • cryptoapicert

  • dev

  • dev-type

  • dhcp-option

  • ifconfig-ipv6

  • inactive

  • keepalive

  • key

  • nobind

  • persist-key

  • persist-tun

  • ping

  • ping-restart

  • proto

  • pull

  • pull-filter

  • rcvbuf

  • remote

  • remote-cert-tls

  • remote-random-hostname

  • reneg-sec

  • resolv-retry

  • route

  • route-ipv6

  • server-poll-timeout

  • static-challenge

  • tun-mtu

  • tun-mtu-extra

  • verb

  • verify-x509-name