2 – Modernize deployment of the analytics jobs and applications - Data Analytics Lens

2 – Modernize deployment of the analytics jobs and applications

How do you deploy jobs and applications in a controlled and reproducible way? Using modern development practices, such as continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), can help ensure that changes are rolled out in a controlled and repeatable way.

Your team should use test automation to verify infrastructure, code changes, and data updates at every stage of your deployment lifecycle. The analytics processing often requires management of complex workflows. It includes job scheduling, managing dependencies between jobs, and monitoring jobs. You also need an orchestration tool for data movement.

ID Priority Best practice

☐ BP 2.1

Recommended Use version control for job and application changes.

☐ BP 2.2

Recommended Create test data and provision staging environment.

☐ BP 2.3

Recommended Test and validate analytics jobs and application deployments.

☐ BP 2.4


Build standard operating procedures for deployment, test, rollback, and backfill tasks.

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