2 9s (99%) scenario - Reliability Pillar

2 9s (99%) scenario

These workloads are helpful to the business, but it’s only an inconvenience if they are unavailable. This type of workload can be internal tooling, internal knowledge management, or project tracking. Or these can be actual customer-facing workloads but served from an experimental service, with a feature toggle that can hide the service if needed.

These workloads can be deployed with one Region and one Availability Zone.

Monitor resources

We will have simple monitoring, indicating whether the service home page is returning an HTTP 200 OK status. When problems occur, our playbook will indicate that logging from the instance will be used to establish root cause.

Adapt to changes in demand

We will have playbooks for common hardware failures, urgent software updates, and other disruptive changes.

Implement change

We will use AWS CloudFormation to define our infrastructure as code, and specifically to speed up reconstruction in the event of a failure.

Software updates are manually performed using a runbook, with downtime required for the installation and restart of the service. If a problem happens during deployment, the runbook describes how to roll back to the previous version.

Any corrections of the error are done using analysis of logs by the operations and development teams, and the correction is deployed after the fix is prioritized and completed.

Back up data

We will use a vendor or purpose built backup solution to send encrypted backup data to Amazon S3 using a runbook. We will test that the backups work by restoring the data and ensuring the ability to use it on a regular basis using a runbook. We configure versioning on our Amazon S3 objects and remove permissions for deletion of the backups. We use an Amazon S3 bucket lifecycle policy to archive or permanently delete according to our requirements.

Architect for resiliency

Workloads are deployed with one Region and one Availability Zone. We deploy the application, including the database, to a single instance.

Test resiliency

The deployment pipeline of new software is scheduled, with some unit testing, but mostly white-box/black-box testing of the assembled workload.

Plan for disaster recovery (DR)

During failures we wait for the failure to finish, optionally routing requests to a static website using DNS modification via a runbook. The recovery time for this will be determined by the speed at which the infrastructure can be deployed and the database restored to the most recent backup. This deployment can either be into the same Availability Zone, or into a different Availability Zone, in the event of an Availability Zone failure, using a runbook.

Availability design goal

We take 30 minutes to understand and decide to invoke recovery, deploy the whole stack in AWS CloudFormation in 10 minutes, assume that we deploy to a new Availability Zone, and assume that the database can be restored in 30 minutes. This implies that it takes about 70 minutes to recover from a failure. Assuming one failure per quarter, our estimated impact time for the year is 280 minutes, or four hours and 40 minutes.

This means that the upper limit on availability is 99.9%. The actual availability also depends on the real rate of failure, the duration of failure, and how quickly each failure actually recovers. For this architecture, we require the application to be offline for updates (estimating 24 hours per year: four hours per change, six times per year), plus actual events. So referring to the table on application availability earlier in the whitepaper we see that our availability design goal is 99%.


Topic Implementation
Monitor resources Site health check only; no alerting.
Adapt to changes in demand Vertical scaling via re-deployment.
Implement change Runbook for deploy and rollback.
Back up data Runbook for backup and restore.
Architect for resiliency Complete rebuild; restore from backup.
Test resiliency Complete rebuild; restore from backup.
Plan for disaster recovery (DR) Encrypted backups, restore to different Availability Zone if needed.