The isolation mindset
At the conceptual level, many SaaS providers would agree on the importance and value of protecting and isolating tenant resources. However, as you dig into the details of implementing an isolation strategy, you’ll often find that each SaaS ISV has their own definition of what is enough isolation.
Given these varying perspectives, we have outlined some tenets below that will help guide your overall value system for tenant isolation. Every SaaS provider should establish a clear set of high-level isolation requirements that will guide their teams as they define the isolation footprint of their SaaS environment. The following are some key tenets that typically shape the overall SaaS tenant isolation model:
Isolation is not optional – Isolation is a foundational element of SaaS and every system that delivers a solution in a multi-tenant model should ensure that their systems take measures to ensure that tenant resources are isolated.
Authentication and authorization are not equal to isolation – While it is expected that you will control access to your SaaS environments through authentication and authorization, getting beyond the entry points of a login screen or an API does not mean you have achieved isolation. This is just one piece of the isolation puzzle and is not enough on its own.
Isolation enforcement should not be left to service developers – While developers are never expected to introduce code that might violate isolation, it’s unrealistic to expect that they will never unintentionally cross a tenant boundary. To mitigate this, scoping of access to resources should be controlled through some shared mechanism that is responsible for applying isolation rules (outside the view of developers).
If there’s not an out-of-the box isolation solution, you may have to build it yourself – There are a number of security mechanisms, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), that can help you simplify the path to tenant isolation. Combining these tools with your broader security scheme can help make isolation an easier process.. However, there might be scenarios where your isolation model is not directly addressed by a corresponding tool or technology. The absence of a clear solution should not represent an opportunity to lower your isolation requirements—even if that means building something of your own.
Isolation is not a resource-level construct – In the world of multi-tenancy and isolation, some will view isolation as a way to draw a hard boundary between concrete infrastructure resources. This often translates into isolation model where you might have separate databases, compute instances, accounts, or virtual private clouds (VPCs) for each tenant. While these are common forms of isolation, they are not the only way to isolate tenants. Even in scenarios where resources are shared—in fact, especially in environments where resources are shared—there are ways to achieve isolation. In this shared resource model, isolation can be a logical construct that is enforced by runtime applied policies. The key point here is that isolation should not be equated to having siloed resources.
Domains may impose specific isolation requirements – While there are many approaches to achieving tenant isolation, the realities of a given domain might impose constraints that will require a specific flavor of isolation. For example, some high compliance industries may require that every tenant have its own database. In these cases, the shared, policy-based approaches to isolation may not be adequate.