Aspects of AWS incident response - Security Pillar

Aspects of AWS incident response

All AWS users within an organization should have a basic understanding of security incident response processes, and security staff should understand how to respond to security issues. Education, training, and experience are vital to a successful cloud incident response program and are ideally implemented well in advance of having to handle a possible security incident. The foundation of a successful incident response program in the cloud is Preparation, Operations, and Post-incident activity.

To understand each of these aspects, consider the following descriptions:

  • Preparation: Prepare your incident response team to detect and respond to incidents within AWS by enabling detective controls and verifying appropriate access to the necessary tools and cloud services. Additionally, prepare the necessary playbooks, both manual and automated, to verify reliable and consistent responses.

  • Operations: Operate on security events and potential incidents following NIST’s phases of incident response: detect, analyze, contain, eradicate, and recover.

  • Post-incident activity: Iterate on the outcome of your security events and simulations to improve the efficacy of your response, increase value derived from response and investigation, and further reduce risk. You have to learn from incidents and have strong ownership of improvement activities.

The following diagram shows the flow of these aspects, aligning with the previously mentioned NIST incident response lifecycle, but with operations encompassing detection and analysis with containment, eradication, and recovery.

Diagram displaying the cycle of AWS incident response operations.

Aspects of AWS incident response