We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more
Setting up the connector
To install the connector
All of the following steps are performed in your Jira account, not in your AWS account.
Log in to your Jira account.
In the top navigation bar, choose Apps, then select Explore more apps.
In the Discover apps and integrations for Jira page, enter AWS Well-Architected. Then, choose the AWS Well-Architected Tool Connector for Jira.
In the app page, choose Get app.
In the Add to Jira pane, choose Get it now.
After the app installs, to complete setup, choose Configure.
In the AWS Well-Architected Tool Configuration page, choose Connect a new AWS account.
Enter your AccessKeyId and Secret Key. Optional: Enter your Session Token. Then, choose Connect.
Make sure your account has the permission
. This permissions is required to add AWS accounts to Jira.Multiple AWS accounts can be connected to AWS WA Tool.
As a security best practice, its highly recommended to use short-term IAM credentials. For detail on creating an AccessKeyId and Secret Key for your AWS account, see Managing access keys (console), and for detail on using short term credentials, see Requesting temporary credentials.
For Regions, select the AWS Regions you want to connect. Then, choose Connect.
Jira project setup
When using custom projects, make sure you have the following issue types in your project setup:
Scrum: Epic, Story, Subtask
Kanban: Epic, Task, Subtask
For detail on managing issue types, see Atlassian Support | Add, edit, and delete an issue type
To check the status of the connector in AWS Well-Architected Tool
Log in to your AWS account and navigate to AWS Well-Architected Tool.
Select Settings in the left navigation pane.
In the Jira account syncing section, under Jira app connection status, check for the Configured status.
The connector is now set up and ready to be configured. To configure Jira sync settings at the account and workload level, see Configuring the connector.