Application layer attacks - AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency

Application layer attacks

An attacker may target the application itself by using a layer 7 or application layer attack. In these attacks, similar to SYN flood infrastructure attacks, the attacker attempts to overload specific functions of an application to make the application unavailable or unresponsive to legitimate users. Sometimes this can be achieved with very low request volumes that generate only a small volume of network traffic. This can make the attack difficult to detect and mitigate. Examples of application layer attacks include HTTP floods, cache-busting attacks, and WordPress XML-RPC floods.

  • In an HTTP flood attack, an attacker sends HTTP requests that appear to be from a valid user of the web application. Some HTTP floods target a specific resource, while more complex HTTP floods attempt to emulate human interaction with the application. This can increase the difficulty of using common mitigation techniques such as request rate limiting.

  • Cache-busting attacks are a type of HTTP flood that uses variations in the query string to circumvent content delivery network (CDN) caching. Instead of being able to return cached results, the CDN must contact the origin server for every page request, and these origin fetches cause additional strain on the application web server.

  • With a WordPress XML-RPC flood attack, also known as a WordPress pingback flood, an attacker targets a website hosted on the WordPress content management software. The attacker misuses the XML-RPC API function to generate a flood of HTTP requests. The pingback feature allows a website hosted on WordPress (Site A) to notify a different WordPress site (Site B) through a link that Site A has created to Site B. Site B then attempts to fetch Site A to verify the existence of the link. In a pingback flood, the attacker misuses this capability to cause Site B to attack Site A. This type of attack has a clear signature: "WordPress:" is typically present in the User-Agent of the HTTP request header.

There are other forms of malicious traffic that can impact an application’s availability. Scraper bots automate attempts to access a web application to steal content or record competitive information, such as pricing. Brute force and credential stuffing attacks are programmed efforts to gain unauthorized access to secure areas of an application. These are not strictly DDoS attacks, but their automated nature can look similar to a DDoS attack and they can be mitigated by implementing some of the same best practices to be covered in this paper.

Application layer attacks can also target Domain Name System (DNS) services. The most common of these attacks is a DNS query flood in which an attacker uses many well-formed DNS queries to exhaust the resources of a DNS server. These attacks can also include a cache-busting component where the attacker randomizes the subdomain string to bypass the local DNS cache of any given resolver. As a result, the resolver can’t take advantage of cached domain queries and must instead repeatedly contact the authoritative DNS server, which amplifies the attack.

If a web application is delivered over Transport Layer Security (TLS), an attacker can also choose to attack the TLS negotiation process. TLS is computationally expensive so an attacker, by generating extra workload on the server to process unreadable data (or unintelligible (ciphertext)) as a legitimate handshake, can reduce server’s availability. In a variation of this attack, an attacker completes the TLS handshake but perpetually renegotiates the encryption method. An attacker can alternatively attempt to exhaust server resources by opening and closing many TLS sessions.