AWS Direct Connect + AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Connectivity Options

AWS Direct Connect + AWS Site-to-Site VPN

With AWS Direct Connect + AWS Site-to-Site VPN, you can combine AWS Direct Connect connections with an AWS-managed VPN solution. AWS Direct Connect public VIFs establish a dedicated network connection between your network and public AWS resources such as an AWS Site-to-Site VPN endpoint. Once you establish the connection to the service, you can create IPsec connections to the corresponding Amazon VPC virtual private gateways. The following figure illustrates this option.

Diagram that shows establishing a connection to the service, then creating IPsec connections.
AWS Direct Connect and AWS Site-to-Site VPN

This solution combines the benefits of the end-to-end secure IPsec connection with low latency and increased bandwidth of the AWS Direct Connect to provide a more consistent network experience than internet-based VPN connections. A BGP connection session is established between AWS Direct Connect and your router on the public VIF. Another BGP session or a static route will be established between the virtual private gateway and your router on the IPsec VPN tunnels.

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