Provision baseline standards to isolated resource environments
In addition to provisioning guardrails to isolated resource environments, it is also necessary to provision other baseline requirements within the environment. This can include roles, network components and connectivity, and security applications or services.
In order to maintain consistency in configuration across different resource environments, the baseline configuration should be deployed in an automated fashion in existing or newly created isolated resource environments. This can include roles, network connectivity, or operational or security services. It is often helpful to be able to apply baseline configurations globally (to all isolated resource environments) or to logical groupings of the isolated resource environments. Global baselines will apply to all isolated resource environments and therefore should be considered carefully. Isolated resource environments should be grouped and organized in a way that allows baseline configurations to be applied to the logical grouping of environments. For example, it is common to apply stricter controls on production environments than in development environments. Therefore, production environments should be grouped in a way that allows for different baseline configurations to be applied to production environments and development environments.
Once the different stakeholders are identified, we recommend you align them to the Shared Responsibility model