Amazon Kendra - How AWS Pricing Works

Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and easy-to-use enterprise search service that’s powered by ML. Amazon Kendra enables developers to add search capabilities to their applications so their end users can discover information stored within the vast amount of content spread across their company.

When you type a question, the service uses ML algorithms to understand the context and return the most relevant results, whether that be a precise answer or an entire document. For example, you can ask a question like "How much is the cash reward on the corporate credit card?” and Amazon Kendra will map to the relevant documents and return a specific answer like “two percent”.

Amazon Kendra pricing

With the Amazon Kendra service, you pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee or usage requirement. Once you provision Amazon Kendra by creating an index, you are charged for Amazon Kendra hours from the time an index is created until it is deleted. Partial index instance-hours are billed in one-second increments.

Amazon Kendra comes in two editions: Enterprise and Developer. Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition provides a high-availability service for production workloads. Amazon Kendra Developer Edition provides developers with a lower-cost option to build a proof-of-concept; this edition is not recommended for production workloads.

You can get started for free with the Amazon Kendra Developer Edition, which provides free usage of up to 750 hours for the first 30 days. Connector usage does not qualify for free usage; regular run time and scanning pricing will apply. If you exceed the free tier usage limits, you will be charged the Amazon Kendra Developer Edition rates for the additional resources you use. See Amazon Kendra pricing for pricing details.