GovCloud cross boundary classification and federation - AWS Wickr

This guide provides documentation for AWS Wickr. For Wickr Enterprise, which is the on-premises version of Wickr, see Enterprise Administration Guide.

GovCloud cross boundary classification and federation

AWS Wickr offers WickrGov client tailored for GovCloud users. The GovCloud Federation allows communication between GovCloud users and commercial users. The cross boundary classification feature enables user interface changes to conversations for GovCloud users. As a GovCloud user, you must adhere to strict guidelines concerning government defined classification. When GovCloud users engage in conversations with commercial users (Enterprise, AWS Wickr, Guest users), they will see the following unclassified warnings displayed:

  • A U tag in the room list

  • An unclassified acknowledgment on the message screen

  • An unclassified banner on top of the conversation

Messaging app interface showing rooms list, chat window, and security notice for Finance Room.

These warnings will only be shown when a GovCloud user is in conversation or part of a room with external users. They will disappear if the external users leave the conversation. No warnings will be shown in conversations between GovCloud users.