Customize how users log in to their WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Personal - Amazon WorkSpaces

Customize how users log in to their WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Personal

Customize your users' access to WorkSpaces by using uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to provide a simplified login experience that integrates with existing workflows in your organization. For example, you can automatically generate login URIs that register your users by using their WorkSpaces registration code. As a result:

  • Users can bypass the manual registration process.

  • Their usernames are automatically entered on their WorkSpaces client login page.

  • If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is used in your organization, their usernames and MFA codes are automatically entered on their client login page.

URI access works with both Region-based registration codes (for example, WSpdx+ABC12D) and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) based registration codes (for example, For more information about creating and using FQDN-based registration codes, see Cross-Region redirection for WorkSpaces Personal.

You can configure URI access to WorkSpaces for client applications on the following supported devices:

  • Windows computers

  • macOS computers

  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04 computers

  • iPads

  • Android devices

To use URIs to access their WorkSpaces, users must first install the client application for their device by opening and following the directions.

URI access is supported on the Firefox and Chrome browsers on Windows and macOS computers, on the Firefox browser on Ubuntu Linux 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04 computers, and on the Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers on Windows computers. For more information about WorkSpaces clients, see WorkSpaces Clients in the Amazon WorkSpaces User Guide.


On Android devices, URI access works only with the Firefox browser, not with the Google Chrome browser.

To configure URI access to WorkSpaces, use any of the URI formats described in the following table.


If the data component of your URI includes any of the following reserved characters, we recommend that you use percent-encoding in the data component to avoid ambiguity:

@ : / ? & =

For example, if you have usernames that include any of these characters, you should percent-encode those usernames in your URI. For more information, see Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax.

Supported syntax Description
workspaces:// Opens the WorkSpaces client application. (Note: Using workspaces:// by itself is not currently supported in the Linux client application.)
workspaces://@registrationcode Registers a user by using their WorkSpaces registration code. Also displays the client login page.
workspaces://username@registrationcode Registers a user by using their WorkSpaces registration code. Also automatically enters the username in the username field on the client login page.
workspaces://username@registrationcode?MFACode=mfa Registers a user by using their WorkSpaces registration code. Also automatically enters the username in the username field and the multi-factor authentication (MFA) code in the MFA code field on the client login page.
workspaces://@registrationcode?MFACode=mfa Registers a user by using their WorkSpaces registration code. Also automatically enters the multi-factor authentication (MFA) code in the MFA code field on the client login page.

If users open a URI link when they are already connected to a WorkSpace from a Windows client, a new WorkSpaces session opens and their original WorkSpaces session remains open. If users open a URI link when they are connected to a WorkSpace from a macOS, iPad, or Android client, no new session opens; only their original WorkSpaces session remains open.