Register an existing AWS Directory Service directory with WorkSpaces Personal - Amazon WorkSpaces

Register an existing AWS Directory Service directory with WorkSpaces Personal

To allow WorkSpaces to use an existing AWS Directory Service directory, you must register it with WorkSpaces. After you register a directory, you can launch WorkSpaces in the directory.


To register a directory for use with WorkSpaces, it must meet the following requirement:

  • If you're using AWS Managed Microsoft AD or Simple AD, your directory can be in a dedicated private subnet, as long as the directory has access to the VPC where the WorkSpaces are located.

For more information about directory and VPC design, see the Best Practices for Deploying Amazon WorkSpaces whitepaper.


Simple AD and AD Connector are made available to you free of charge to use with WorkSpaces. If there are no WorkSpaces being used with your Simple AD or AD Connector directory for 30 consecutive days, this directory will be automatically deregistered for use with Amazon WorkSpaces, and you will be charged for this directory as per the AWS Directory Service pricing terms.

To delete empty directories, see Delete a directory for WorkSpaces Personal. If you delete your Simple AD or AD Connector directory, you can always create a new one when you want to start using WorkSpaces again.

To register an existing AWS Directory Service directory
  1. Open the WorkSpaces console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Directories.

  3. Choose Create directory.

  4. On the Create directory page, for WorkSpaces type choose Personal. For WorkSpace device management, choose AWS Directory Service.

  5. Select the directory you want to register in the Directories in AWS Directory Service table

  6. Select two subnets of your VPC that are not from the same Availability Zone. These subnets will be used to launch your WorkSpaces. For more information, see Availability Zones for WorkSpaces Personal.


    If you do not know which subnets to choose, select No Preference.

  7. For Enable Self Service Permissions, choose Yes to enable your users to rebuild their WorkSpaces, change volume size, compute type and running mode. Enabling may impact how much you pay for Amazon WorkSpaces. Choose No otherwise.

  8. For Enable Amazon WorkDocs, choose Yes to register the directory for use with Amazon WorkDocs or No otherwise.


    This option is displayed only if Amazon WorkDocs is available in the Region and if you're not using AWS Managed Microsoft AD. If you're using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, finish registering your directory, and then see Enable Amazon WorkDocs for AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

  9. Choose Register. Initially the value of Registered is REGISTERING. After registration is complete, the value is Yes.

After you've registered the AWS Directory Service directory, you can create a personal WorkSpace. For more information, see Create a WorkSpace in WorkSpaces Personal.

When you are finished using the directory with WorkSpaces, you can deregister it. Note that you must deregister a directory before you can delete it. If you want to deregister and delete a directory, you must first find and remove all the applications and services that are registered to the directory. For more information, see Delete Your Directory in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

To deregister a directory
  1. Open the WorkSpaces console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Directories.

  3. Select the directory.

  4. Choose Actions, Deregister.

  5. When prompted for confirmation, choose Confirm. After deregistration is complete, the directory becomes unregistered and is removed from the list.