Manage the running mode in WorkSpaces Personal
The running mode of a WorkSpace determines its immediate availability and how you pay for it (monthly or hourly). You can choose between the following running modes when you create the WorkSpace:
AlwaysOn — Use when paying a fixed monthly fee for unlimited usage of your WorkSpaces. This mode is best for users who use their WorkSpace full time as their primary desktop.
AutoStop — Use when paying for your WorkSpaces by the hour. With this mode, your WorkSpaces stop after a specified period of disconnection, and the state of apps and data is saved.
For more information, see WorkSpaces
AutoStop WorkSpaces
To set the automatic stop time, select the WorkSpace in the Amazon WorkSpaces console, choose Actions, Modify Running Mode Properties, and then set AutoStop Time (hours). By default, AutoStop Time (hours) is set to 1 hour, which means that the WorkSpace stops automatically an hour after the WorkSpace is disconnected.
After a WorkSpace is disconnected and the AutoStop Time period has expired, it might take several additional minutes for the WorkSpace to automatically stop. However, billing stops as soon as the AutoStop Time period expires, and you aren't charged for that additional time.
When possible, the state of the desktop is saved to the root volume of the WorkSpace. The WorkSpace resumes when a user logs in, and all open documents and running programs return to their saved state.
AutoStop Graphics.g4dn, GraphicsPro.g4dn, Graphics, and GraphicsPro WorkSpaces do not preserve the state of data and programs when they stop. For these Autostop WorkSpaces, we recommend saving your work when you’re done using them each time.
For Bring Your Own License (BYOL) AutoStop WorkSpaces, a large number of concurrent logins could result in significantly increased time for WorkSpaces to be available. If you expect many users to log into your BYOL AutoStop WorkSpaces at the same time, please consult your account manager for advice.
AutoStop WorkSpaces stop automatically only if the WorkSpaces are disconnected.
A WorkSpace is disconnected only in the following circumstances:
If the user manually disconnects from the WorkSpace or quits the Amazon WorkSpaces client application.
If the client device is shut down.
If there's no connection between the client device and the WorkSpace for more than 20 minutes.
As a best practice, AutoStop WorkSpace users should manually disconnect from their WorkSpaces when they're done using them each day. To manually disconnect, choose Disconnect WorkSpace or Quit Amazon WorkSpaces from the Amazon WorkSpaces menu in the WorkSpaces client applications for Linux, macOS, or Windows. For Android or iPad, choose Disconnect from the sidebar menu.
AutoStop WorkSpaces may not stop automatically in the following situations:
If the client device is only locked, sleeping, or otherwise inactive (for example, the laptop lid is closed) instead of shut down, the WorkSpaces application might still be running in the background. As long as the WorkSpaces application is still running, the WorkSpace might not be disconnected, and therefore the WorkSpace might not automatically stop.
WorkSpaces can detect disconnection only when users are using WorkSpaces clients. If users are using third-party clients, WorkSpaces might not be able to detect disconnection, and therefore the WorkSpaces might not automatically stop and billing might not be suspended.
Modify the running mode
You can switch between running modes at any time.
To modify the running mode of a WorkSpace
Open the WorkSpaces console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.
Select the WorkSpace to modify and choose Actions, Modify running mode.
Select the new running mode, AlwaysOn or AutoStop, and then choose Save.
To modify the running mode of a WorkSpace using the AWS CLI
Use the modify-workspace-properties command.
Stop and start an AutoStop WorkSpace
When your AutoStop WorkSpaces are disconnected, they stop automatically after a specified period of disconnection, and hourly billing is suspended. To further optimize costs, you can manually suspend the hourly charges associated with AutoStop WorkSpaces. The WorkSpace stops and all apps and data are saved for the next time a user logs in to the WorkSpace.
When a user reconnects to a stopped WorkSpace, it resumes from where it left off, typically in under 90 seconds.
You can reboot (restart) AutoStop WorkSpaces that are available or in an error state.
To stop an AutoStop WorkSpace
Open the WorkSpaces console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.
Select the WorkSpace to stop and choose Actions, Stop WorkSpaces.
When prompted for confirmation, choose Stop WorkSpace.
To start an AutoStop WorkSpace
Open the WorkSpaces console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.
Select the WorkSpaces to start and choose Actions, Start WorkSpaces.
When prompted for confirmation, choose Start WorkSpace.
To remove the fixed infrastructure costs that are associated with AutoStop WorkSpaces, remove the WorkSpace from your account. For more information, see Delete a WorkSpace in WorkSpaces Personal.
To stop and start an AutoStop WorkSpace using the AWS CLI
Use the stop-WorkSpaces and start-WorkSpaces commands.