GetMetricWidgetImage: Metric Widget Structure and Syntax - Amazon CloudWatch

GetMetricWidgetImage: Metric Widget Structure and Syntax

MetricWidget is an input parameter for the API. It is a string in JSON format.

Overall Structure

The MetricWidget string can include the following parameters:


The metrics to include in the graph, as a metrics array. This can include both raw metric and metric math expressions. One metrics array can include 1–100 metrics and expressions. For more information about the format of metrics, see Format for Each Metric in the Array of Metrics.

Type: Array of arrays

Required: Yes.


The horizontal and vertical annotations to add to the graph, as annotations arrays. For more information about the format, see Annotation Properties Format.

Required: No


The date and time for the end of the metrics shown in the graph. This can be expressed as either an absolute value, such as 2018-04-25T12:00:00.000Z or a relative value such as -PID.

If you don't specify end, the default of -PT0H (the current time) is used.

Type: String

Required: No


The height of the widget in pixels. The default is 400.

Valid Values: 1–2000

Type: Integer

Required: No, but you should set this if you also set a value for width.


Specifies the location and visibility of the graph legend. legend contains one field, position. The value of position can be bottom, right, or hidden. The default is bottom.

Type: String

Required: No


Specify true to display live data in the widget. Live data is data published within the last minute that has not been fully aggregated. For more information, see Use Live Data.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The default period, in seconds, for all metrics in this widget. This default can be overridden within each metric definition. The default is 300.

Valid Values: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, and any multiple of 60. 1, 5, 10, and 30 are only for high-resolution metrics.

Type: Integer

Required: No


This parameter is optional. If you include it, it must specify the local Region.

Type: String

Required: No


Specify true to display the graph as a stacked line, or false to display as separate lines. The default is false.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The date and time for the start of the metrics shown in the graph. This can be expressed as either an absolute value, such as 2018-04-25T12:00:00.000Z or a relative value such as -PID.

If you don't specify start, the default of -PT3H (three hours ago) is used.

Type: String

Required: No


The default statistic to be displayed for each metric in the array. This default can be overridden within the definition of each individual metric in the metrics array.

If you omit this, the default of Average is used.

Valid Values: SampleCount | Average | Sum | Minimum | Maximum | p?? | TM(??:??), TC(??:??) | TS(??:??) | WM(??:??) | PR(??:??) | IQM

Type: String that is a valid CloudWatch statistic.

Required: No


The color palette used to style the graph. The default is light.

Valid Values: light | dark

Type: String

Required: No


The time zone to use for displaying the times in the graph. The format is + or - followed by four digits. The first two digits indicate the number of hours ahead or behind of UTC, and the final two digits are the number of minutes. For example, +0130 indicates a time 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of UTC. The default is +0000.

Type: String

Required: No


The title to be displayed for the graph.

Type: String

Required: No


The display format. Specify timeSeries to display this metric as a line graph. Specify bar to display the metric as a bar graph. Specify pie to display the metric as a pie graph. The default is timeSeries.

Valid Values: timeSeries | bar | pie

Type: String

Required: No


The width of the widget in pixels. The default is 600.

Valid Values: 1–2000

Type: Integer

Required: No, but you should set this if you also set a value for width.


Limits for the minimums and maximums of the y-axis. This applies to every metric being graphed, unless specific metrics override it. For more information about the format, see yAxis Properties Format.

Type: YAxis object

Required: No

Format for Each Metric in the Array of Metrics

Each item in the metrics array is a CloudWatch metric to display in the graph, or to use as part of a math expression displayed in the graph. For more information about math expressions, see Use Metric Math in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Each metric in the array has the following format:

[Namespace, MetricName, Dimension1Name, Dimension1Value, Dimension2Name, Dimension2Value... {Options Object}]

The AWS namespace containing the metric. To use the same namespace as the previous metric in the array, you may specify "." for each entry after the first.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of the CloudWatch metric. To use the same name as the previous metric in the array, you may specify "." for each entry after the first.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The name of a dimension to further refine what data is shown. To use the same dimension name as the previous metric in the array, you may specify "." for each entry after the first. You may specify zero dimensions for a metric, or up to as many dimensions as the metric supports.

Type: String

Required: No


The value to use for that dimension for the metric. Required if there is a corresponding dimension name.

Type: String

Required: No, unless there is a corresponding dimension name.

Options Object

Specifies either custom rendering properties to be used for the specified CloudWatch metric, or a math expression to display on the graph. For more information about the format, see Options Object Format.

Type: Options Object

Required: No


// The simplest example, a metric with no dimensions [ "AWS/EC2", "CPUUtilization" ] // A metric with a single dimension [ "AWS/EC2", "CPUUtilization", "InstanceId", "i-01234567890123456" ] // A metric with a single dimension and rendering properties [ "AWS/EC2", "DiskReadBytes", "InstanceId", "i-01234567890123456", { yAxis: "right"} ] // The following example graphs the DiskReadBytes metric for three instances. [ "AWS/EC2", "DiskReadBytes", "InstanceId", "i-01234567890123456" ], [ ".", ".", ".", "i-abc" ], [ ".", ".", ".", "i-123" ]

Options Object Format

Specifies either custom rendering properties to be used for the specified CloudWatch metric, or a math expression to display on the graph.

If this object is specified as part of a CloudWatch metric in the metrics array, it sets custom rendering properties for this metric and overrides the defaults used for the whole graph.

You can also specify this object to add a math expression to the graph. In this case, the other settings in this object specify the display options for the result of the math expression.

This section describes the format of these options objects.


The six-digit HTML hex color code to be used for this metric or expression.

Type: String

Required: No


A math expression to display. For more information about supported math expression functions and format, see Metric Math Syntax and Functions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Type: String that is a valid CloudWatch metric math expression.

Required: Yes if this is an expression.


The label to display for this metric or expression in the graph legend. If this is not specified, the metric is given an auto-generated label that distinguishes it from the other metrics in the widget.

Type: String

Required: No


An identifier for this metric or expression, which must be unique within this widget. The id can be used as a variable to represent this metric or expression within math expressions. Valid characters are letters, numbers, and underscore. The first character must be a lowercase letter.

Type: String

Required: No


The period for this metric, in seconds. If specified, this overrides the default period used for other metrics in this graph. This parameter is not applicable for math expressions.

Valid Values: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, and any multiple of 60. 1, 5, 10, and 30 are only for high-resolution metrics.

Type: Integer

Required: No


The statistic to be displayed for this metric, if it is to be different than the statistic used for the other metrics in the graph. This parameter is not applicable for math expressions.

Valid Values: SampleCount | Average | Sum | Minimum | Maximum | p??

Type: String that is a valid CloudWatch statistic.

Required: No


Specifies whether this metric or expression is shown on the graph. The default is true.

Setting visible to false is useful if you want to hide the raw metrics that are used in math expressions, and show only the expression results on the graph.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Where on the graph to display the y-axis for this metric or expression. The default is left.

Valid Values: left | right

Type: String

Required: No


In the following example, CloudWatch retrieves a custom apiLatency metric. At the top, the p50 statistic is specified to show the median value. Next, for the same metric on the same instance (this is specified by the four fields that are just periods), the Average value is graphed. Next is an options object with a math expression, showing the halfway value of the two metrics. Finally, another expression shows the rate of change.

To show only the results of the two expressions on the graph and hide the raw metrics, you could change the first two instances of visible to false.

{ "metrics": [ [ "MyNamespace", "apiLatency", "InstanceId", "i-0987654321abcdef0", { "id": "m1", "stat": "p50", "label": "Median value", "visible": true, "color": "#dddddd", "yAxis": "left", "period": 300 } ], [ ".", ".", ".", ".", { "id": "m2", "stat": "Average", "label": "Average value", "visible": true, "color": "#cccccc", "yAxis": "left", "period": 300 } ], [ { "expression": "(m1+m2)/2", "id": "e1", "label": "Half way between average and median", "visible": true, "color": "#000000", "yAxis": "left" } ], [ { "expression": "RATE(e1)", "yAxis": "right", "label": "rate of change of the half way point" } ] ] }

Annotation Properties Format

A single graph can have multiple horizontal and vertical annotations. All horizontal annotations are specified in one horizontal field, and all vertical annotations are specified in one vertical field.


An array of horizontal annotations. Horizontal annotations have several options for fill shading, including shading above the annotation line, shading below the annotation line, and "band" shading that appears between two linked annotation lines as part of a single annotation. Each horizontal annotation in the array that does not have band shading has the following format:

{value, label, color, fill, yAxis, visible}

Each horizontal annotation that does have band shading has the following format:

[{value, label, color, yAxis, visible}, {value, label}]

An array of vertical annotations. Vertical annotations have several options for fill shading, including shading before the annotation line, shading after the annotation line, and "band" shading that appears between two linked annotation lines as part of a single band annotation. Each vertical annotation in the array that does not have band shading has the following format:

{value, label, color, fill, visible}

Each vertical annotation that does have band shading has the following format:

[{value, label, color, visible}, {value, label}]

The horizontal array can include the following fields.


The metric value in the graph where the horizontal annotation line is to appear. On a band shading annotation, the two values for Value define the upper and lower edges of the band.

On a graph with horizontal annotations, the graph is scaled so that all visible horizontal annotations appear on the graph.

Type: Float

Required: Yes, if horizontal annotations are used.


A string that appears on the graph next to the annotation.

Type: String

Required: No


The six-digit HTML hex color code to be used for the annotation. This color is used for both the annotation line and the fill shading.

Type: String

Required: No


How to use fill shading with the annotation. Valid values are above for shading above the annotation, below for shading below the annotation, and none for no shading. If fill is omitted, there is no shading.

The exception is an annotation with band shading. These annotations always have shading between the two values, and any value for fill is ignored.

Type: String

Required: No


Set this to true to have the annotation appear in the graph, or false to have it be hidden. The default is true.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


If the graph includes multiple metrics, specifies whether the numbers in Value refer to the metric associated with the left Y-axis or the right Y-axis. Valid values are right and left.

Type: String

Required: No

The vertical array can include the following fields.


The time stamp where the vertical annotation line is to appear. This must be specified as an absolute time stamp, such as 2018-08-28T15:25:26Z. On a band shading annotation, the two values for Value define the beginning and ending edges of the band.

Type: String

Required: Yes, if vertical annotations are used.


A descriptive string that appears on the graph next to the annotation.

Type: String

Required: No


The six-digit HTML hex color code to be used for the annotation. This color is used for both the annotation line and the fill shading.

Type: String

Required: No


How to use fill shading with the annotation. Valid values are before for shading before the annotation, after for shading after the annotation, and none for no shading. If fill is omitted, there is no shading.

The exception is an annotation with band shading. These annotations always have shading between the two values, and any value for fill is ignored.

Type: String

Required: No


Set this to true to have the annotation appear in the graph, or false to have it be hidden. The default is true.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


// A single horizontal annotation with fill shading above the annotation line, based on the metric associated with the right Y-axis "annotations": { "horizontal": [ { "visible":true, "color":"#9467bd", "label":"Critical range", "value":20, "fill":"above", "yAxis":"right" } ] } // A horizontal band annotation. Each value has a label, but other parameters for the band need to be specified only with the first number "annotations": { "horizontal": [ [ { "label":"Band top", "value":200, "color":"#9467bd", "visible":true, "yAxis":"right" }, { "value":95.5, "label":"Band bottom" } ] ] } // A single vertical annotation with fill shading after the annotation line "annotations": { "vertical": [ { "visible": true, "color": "#9467bd", "label": "Bug fix deployed", "value": "2018-08-28T15:25:26Z", "fill": "after" } ] } // A vertical band annotation. Each annotation line has a label, but other parameters for the band are specified only with the first value "annotations": { "vertical": [ [ { "label": "Band start", "value": "2018-08-27T15:25:26Z", "color": "#9467bd", "visible": true }, { "value": "2018-08-28T15:25:26Z", "label": "Band end" } ] ] }

yAxis Properties Format

Defines the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis of the graph. Set this within the MetricWidget object to affect all metrics in the widget. To override the widget settings for a particular metric, set it in the options object for that metric in the metrics array.


Optional min and max settings for the left Y-axis.

Type: YAxis object

Required: No


Optional min and max settings for the right Y-axis.

Type: YAxis object

Required: No

Each of the left and right objects can include the following parameters:


The minimum value for this Y-axis.

Type: Float

Required: No


The maximum value for this Y-axis.

Type: Float

Required: No


{ left: { min: 0, max: 100 }, right: { min: 0 } }