Configuration requirements of an Amazon Aurora global database - Amazon Aurora

Configuration requirements of an Amazon Aurora global database

Before you start working with your global database, plan the cluster and instance names, AWS Regions, number of instances and instance classes that you intend to use. Make sure that your choices agree with the following configuration requirements.

An Aurora global database spans at least two AWS Regions. The primary AWS Region supports an Aurora DB cluster that has one writer Aurora DB instance. A secondary AWS Region runs a read-only Aurora DB cluster made up entirely of Aurora Replicas. At least one secondary AWS Region is required, but an Aurora global database can have up to five secondary AWS Regions. The table lists the maximum Aurora DB clusters, Aurora DB instances, and Aurora Replicas allowed in an Aurora global database.

Description Primary AWS Region Secondary AWS Regions

Aurora DB clusters


5 (maximum)

Writer instances



Read-only instances (Aurora replicas), per Aurora DB cluster

15 (max)

16 (total)

Read-only instances (max allowed, given actual number of secondary Regions)

15 - s

s = total number of secondary AWS Regions

The Aurora DB clusters that make up an Aurora global database have the following specific requirements:

  • DB instance class requirements – An Aurora global database requires DB instance classes that are optimized for memory-intensive applications. For information about the memory optimized DB instance classes, see DB instance classes. We recommend that you use a db.r5 or higher instance class.

  • AWS Region requirements – An Aurora global database needs a primary Aurora DB cluster in one AWS Region, and at least one secondary Aurora DB cluster in a different Region. You can create up to five secondary (read-only) Aurora DB clusters, and each must be in a different Region. In other words, no two Aurora DB clusters in an Aurora global database can be in the same AWS Region.

    For information about which combinations of Aurora DB engine, engine version, and AWS Region you can use with Aurora Global Database, see Supported Regions and DB engines for Aurora global databases.

  • Naming requirements – The names you choose for each of your Aurora DB clusters must be unique, across all AWS Regions. You can't use the same name for different Aurora DB clusters even though they're in different Regions.

  • Capacity requirements for Aurora Serverless v2 – For a global database with Aurora Serverless v2, the minimum recommended capacity for the DB cluster in the primary AWS Region is 8 ACUs.

Before you can follow the procedures in this section, you need an AWS account. Complete the setup tasks for working with Amazon Aurora. For more information, see Setting up your environment for Amazon Aurora. You also need to complete other preliminary steps for creating any Aurora DB cluster. To learn more, see Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

When you are ready to set up your global database, see Creating an Amazon Aurora global database for the procedure to create all the necessary resources. You can also follow the procedure in Adding an AWS Region to an Amazon Aurora global database to create a global database using an existing Aurora cluster as the primary cluster.