AttendeeCapabilities - Amazon Chime SDK


The media capabilities of an attendee: audio, video, or content.


You use the capabilities with a set of values that control what the capabilities can do, such as SendReceive data. For more information, refer to AudioFeatures and VideoFeatures.

When using capabilities, be aware of these corner cases:

  • If you specify MeetingFeatures:Video:MaxResolution:None when you create a meeting, all API requests that include SendReceive, Send, or Receive for AttendeeCapabilities:Video will be rejected with ValidationError 400.

  • If you specify MeetingFeatures:Content:MaxResolution:None when you create a meeting, all API requests that include SendReceive, Send, or Receive for AttendeeCapabilities:Content will be rejected with ValidationError 400.

  • You can't set content capabilities to SendReceive or Receive unless you also set video capabilities to SendReceive or Receive. If you don't set the video capability to receive, the response will contain an HTTP 400 Bad Request status code. However, you can set your video capability to receive and you set your content capability to not receive.

  • When you change an audio capability from None or Receive to Send or SendReceive , and an attendee unmutes their microphone, audio flows from the attendee to the other meeting participants.

  • When you change a video or content capability from None or Receive to Send or SendReceive , and the attendee turns on their video or content streams, remote attendees can receive those streams, but only after media renegotiation between the client and the Amazon Chime back-end server.



The audio capability assigned to an attendee.

Type: String

Valid Values: SendReceive | Send | Receive | None

Required: Yes


The content capability assigned to an attendee.

Type: String

Valid Values: SendReceive | Send | Receive | None

Required: Yes


The video capability assigned to an attendee.

Type: String

Valid Values: SendReceive | Send | Receive | None

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: