使用 CloudHSM CLI 列出仲裁令牌 - AWS CloudHSM

使用 CloudHSM CLI 列出仲裁令牌

使用 CloudHSM CLI 中的 quorum token-sign list 命令列出 AWS CloudHSM 集群中存在的所有令牌签名仲裁令牌。



  • Admin

  • 加密用户 (CU)


aws-cloudhsm > help quorum token-sign list List the token-sign tokens in your cluster Usage: quorum token-sign list Options: --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> Unique Id to choose which of the clusters in the config file to run the operation against. If not provided, will fall back to the value provided when interactive mode was started, or error -h, --help Print help


此命令将列出 AWS CloudHSM 集群中存在的所有令牌签名令牌。

aws-cloudhsm > quorum token-sign list { "error_code": 0, "data": { "tokens": [ { "username": "admin", "service": "quorum", "approvals-required": 2 "number-of-approvals": 0 "token-timeout-seconds": 397 "cluster-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "admin", "service": "user", "approvals-required": 2 "number-of-approvals": 2 "token-timeout-seconds": 588 "cluster-coverage": "full" } ] } }

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