NCryptExportKey with Key storage provider (KSP) - AWS CloudHSM

NCryptExportKey with Key storage provider (KSP)

The NCryptExportKey function exports a KSP key to a memory BLOB. This function only supports exporting public keys.


hKey [in]

The handle of the key to export.

hExportKey [in, unused]

AWS CloudHSM Key Storage Provider (KSP) doesn't use this parameter.

pszBlobType [in]

A null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the BLOB type to export. AWS CloudHSM Key Storage Provider (KSP) supports the following values:

Value Meaning


Exports an RSA public key. The pbOutput buffer contains a BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB structure followed by the key data.


Exports an ECC public key. The pbOutput buffer contains a BCRYPT_ECCKEY_BLOB structure followed by the key data.

pParameterList [in, unused]

AWS CloudHSM Key Storage Provider (KSP) doesn't use this parameter.

pbOutput [out, optional]

A buffer address to store the key BLOB. Specify the buffer size using cbOutput. If set to NULL, the function stores the required size (in bytes) in the DWORD pointed to by pcbResult.

cbOutput [in]

The size of the pbOutput buffer in bytes.

pcbResult [out]

A DWORD variable address that stores the number of bytes copied to the pbOutput buffer. If pbOutput is NULL, the function stores the required buffer size in bytes.

dwFlags [in]

Flags that modify how the function works. You can use zero or the following:

Value Meaning


This flag has no effect.

Return Value

The function returns a status code to indicate success or failure.

Common return codes include:

Return code Description


The operation completed successfully.


One or more parameters are not valid.


The operation couldn't complete.


The handle in hProvider is not valid.


The dwFlags parameter contains an invalid value.


The key state is not valid.


The pszBlobType or dwFlags parameter contains an unsupported value.


An internal error happened during the operation.