使用SDK适用于 Java 2.x 的 Systems Manager 示例 - AWS SDK代码示例

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使用SDK适用于 Java 2.x 的 Systems Manager 示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用与 Systems Manager AWS SDK for Java 2.x 配合使用来执行操作和实现常见场景。





以下代码示例展示了如何开始使用 Systems Manager。

SDK适用于 Java 2.x

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.SsmClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.DocumentFilter; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.ListDocumentsRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.ListDocumentsResponse; public class HelloSSM { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <awsAccount> Where: awsAccount - Your AWS Account number. """; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String awsAccount = args[0] ; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; SsmClient ssmClient = SsmClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); listDocuments(ssmClient, awsAccount); } /* This code automatically fetches the next set of results using the `nextToken` and stops once the desired maxResults (20 in this case) have been reached. */ public static void listDocuments(SsmClient ssmClient, String awsAccount) { String nextToken = null; int totalDocumentsReturned = 0; int maxResults = 20; do { ListDocumentsRequest request = ListDocumentsRequest.builder() .documentFilterList( DocumentFilter.builder() .key("Owner") .value(awsAccount) .build() ) .maxResults(maxResults) .nextToken(nextToken) .build(); ListDocumentsResponse response = ssmClient.listDocuments(request); response.documentIdentifiers().forEach(identifier -> System.out.println("Document Name: " + identifier.name())); nextToken = response.nextToken(); totalDocumentsReturned += response.documentIdentifiers().size(); } while (nextToken != null && totalDocumentsReturned < maxResults); } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 ListDocuments” 中的。


以下代码示例说明如何使用 Systems Manager 维护窗口、文档和 OpsItems。

SDK适用于 Java 2.x

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.DocumentAlreadyExistsException; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.SsmException; import java.util.Scanner; public class SSMScenario { public static final String DASHES = new String(new char[80]).replace("\0", "-"); public static void main(String[] args) { String usage = """ Usage: <instanceId> <title> <source> <category> <severity> Where: instanceId - The Amazon EC2 Linux/UNIX instance Id that AWS Systems Manager uses (ie, i-0149338494ed95f06). title - The title of the parameter (default is Disk Space Alert). source - The source of the parameter (default is EC2). category - The category of the parameter. Valid values are 'Availability', 'Cost', 'Performance', 'Recovery', 'Security' (default is Performance). severity - The severity of the parameter. Severity should be a number from 1 to 4 (default is 2). """; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); SSMActions actions = new SSMActions(); String documentName; String windowName; String instanceId = args[0]; String title = args[1]; String source = args[2]; String category = args[3]; String severity = args[4]; System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(""" Welcome to the AWS Systems Manager SDK Basics scenario. This Java program demonstrates how to interact with AWS Systems Manager using the AWS SDK for Java (v2). AWS Systems Manager is the operations hub for your AWS applications and resources and a secure end-to-end management solution. The program's primary functionalities include creating a maintenance window, creating a document, sending a command to a document, listing documents, listing commands, creating an OpsItem, modifying an OpsItem, and deleting AWS SSM resources. Upon completion of the program, all AWS resources are cleaned up. Let's get started... """); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("1. Create an SSM maintenance window."); System.out.println("Please enter the maintenance window name (default is ssm-maintenance-window):"); String win = scanner.nextLine(); windowName = win.isEmpty() ? "ssm-maintenance-window" : win; String winId = null; try { winId = actions.createMaintenanceWindow(windowName); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println("The maintenance window ID is: " + winId); } catch (DocumentAlreadyExistsException e) { System.err.println("The SSM maintenance window already exists. Retrieving existing window ID..."); String existingWinId = actions.createMaintenanceWindow(windowName); System.out.println("Existing window ID: " + existingWinId); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("2. Modify the maintenance window by changing the schedule"); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); try { actions.updateSSMMaintenanceWindow(winId, windowName); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println("The SSM maintenance window was successfully updated"); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("3. Create an SSM document that defines the actions that Systems Manager performs on your managed nodes."); System.out.println("Please enter the document name (default is ssmdocument):"); String doc = scanner.nextLine(); documentName = doc.isEmpty() ? "ssmdocument" : doc; try { actions.createSSMDoc(documentName); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println("The SSM document was successfully created"); } catch (DocumentAlreadyExistsException e) { System.err.println("The SSM document already exists. Moving on"); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("4. Now we are going to run a command on an EC2 instance"); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); String commandId=""; try { commandId = actions.sendSSMCommand(documentName, instanceId); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println("The command was successfully sent. Command ID: " + commandId); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println("Thread was interrupted: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("5. Lets get the time when the specific command was sent to the specific managed node"); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); try { actions.displayCommands(commandId); System.out.println("The command invocations were successfully displayed."); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(""" 6. Now we will create an SSM OpsItem. A SSM OpsItem is a feature provided by Amazon's Systems Manager (SSM) service. It is a type of operational data item that allows you to manage and track various operational issues, events, or tasks within your AWS environment. You can create OpsItems to track and manage operational issues as they arise. For example, you could create an OpsItem whenever your application detects a critical error or an anomaly in your infrastructure. """); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); String opsItemId; try { opsItemId = actions.createSSMOpsItem(title, source, category, severity); System.out.println(opsItemId + " was created"); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } waitForInputToContinue(scanner); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("7. Now we will update the SSM OpsItem "+opsItemId); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); String description = "An update to "+opsItemId ; try { actions.updateOpsItem(opsItemId, title, description); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("8. Now we will get the status of the SSM OpsItem "+opsItemId); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); try { actions.describeOpsItems(opsItemId); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("9. Now we will resolve the SSM OpsItem "+opsItemId); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); try { actions.resolveOpsItem(opsItemId); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("10. Would you like to delete the AWS Systems Manager resources? (y/n)"); String delAns = scanner.nextLine().trim(); if (delAns.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { System.out.println("You selected to delete the resources."); waitForInputToContinue(scanner); try { actions.deleteMaintenanceWindow(winId); actions.deleteDoc(documentName); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println("SSM error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); return; } } else { System.out.println("The AWS Systems Manager resources will not be deleted"); } System.out.println(DASHES); System.out.println("This concludes the AWS Systems Manager SDK Basics scenario."); System.out.println(DASHES); } private static void waitForInputToContinue(Scanner scanner) { while (true) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Enter 'c' followed by <ENTER> to continue:"); String input = scanner.nextLine(); if (input.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("c")) { System.out.println("Continuing with the program..."); System.out.println(""); break; } else { // Handle invalid input. System.out.println("Invalid input. Please try again."); } } } }

Systems Manager SDK 方法的包装器类。

public class SSMActions { private static SsmAsyncClient ssmAsyncClient; private static SsmAsyncClient getAsyncClient() { if (ssmAsyncClient == null) { SdkAsyncHttpClient httpClient = NettyNioAsyncHttpClient.builder() .maxConcurrency(100) .connectionTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(60)) .readTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(60)) .writeTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(60)) .build(); ClientOverrideConfiguration overrideConfig = ClientOverrideConfiguration.builder() .apiCallTimeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2)) .apiCallAttemptTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(90)) .retryPolicy(RetryPolicy.builder() .numRetries(3) .build()) .build(); ssmAsyncClient = SsmAsyncClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .httpClient(httpClient) .overrideConfiguration(overrideConfig) .credentialsProvider(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider.create()) .build(); } return ssmAsyncClient; } /** * Deletes an AWS SSM document asynchronously. * * @param documentName The name of the document to delete. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to delete an SSM document. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void deleteDoc(String documentName) { DeleteDocumentRequest documentRequest = DeleteDocumentRequest.builder() .name(documentName) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().deleteDocument(documentRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The SSM document was successfully deleted."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } } /** * Deletes an AWS SSM Maintenance Window asynchronously. * * @param winId The ID of the Maintenance Window to delete. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to delete an SSM Maintenance Window. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void deleteMaintenanceWindow(String winId) { DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest windowRequest = DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .windowId(winId) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().deleteMaintenanceWindow(windowRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The maintenance window was successfully deleted."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } } /** * Resolves an AWS SSM OpsItem asynchronously. * * @param opsID The ID of the OpsItem to resolve. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to resolve an SSM OpsItem. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void resolveOpsItem(String opsID) { UpdateOpsItemRequest opsItemRequest = UpdateOpsItemRequest.builder() .opsItemId(opsID) .status(OpsItemStatus.RESOLVED) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().updateOpsItem(opsItemRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("OpsItem resolved successfully."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } } /** * Describes AWS SSM OpsItems asynchronously. * * @param key The key to filter OpsItems by (e.g., OPS_ITEM_ID). * * This method initiates an asynchronous request to describe SSM OpsItems. * If the request is successful, it prints the title and status of each OpsItem. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void describeOpsItems(String key) { OpsItemFilter filter = OpsItemFilter.builder() .key(OpsItemFilterKey.OPS_ITEM_ID) .values(key) .operator(OpsItemFilterOperator.EQUAL) .build(); DescribeOpsItemsRequest itemsRequest = DescribeOpsItemsRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .opsItemFilters(filter) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().describeOpsItems(itemsRequest) .thenAccept(itemsResponse -> { List<OpsItemSummary> items = itemsResponse.opsItemSummaries(); for (OpsItemSummary item : items) { System.out.println("The item title is " + item.title() + " and the status is " + item.status().toString()); } }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } } /** * Updates the AWS SSM OpsItem asynchronously. * * @param opsItemId The ID of the OpsItem to update. * @param title The new title of the OpsItem. * @param description The new description of the OpsItem. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to update an SSM OpsItem. * If the request is successful, it completes without returning a value. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void updateOpsItem(String opsItemId, String title, String description) { Map<String, OpsItemDataValue> operationalData = new HashMap<>(); operationalData.put("key1", OpsItemDataValue.builder().value("value1").build()); operationalData.put("key2", OpsItemDataValue.builder().value("value2").build()); CompletableFuture<Void> future = getOpsItem(opsItemId).thenCompose(opsItem -> { UpdateOpsItemRequest request = UpdateOpsItemRequest.builder() .opsItemId(opsItemId) .title(title) .operationalData(operationalData) .status(opsItem.statusAsString()) .description(description) .build(); return getAsyncClient().updateOpsItem(request).thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println(opsItemId + " updated successfully."); }).exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } } private static CompletableFuture<OpsItem> getOpsItem(String opsItemId) { GetOpsItemRequest request = GetOpsItemRequest.builder().opsItemId(opsItemId).build(); return getAsyncClient().getOpsItem(request).thenApply(GetOpsItemResponse::opsItem); } /** * Creates an SSM OpsItem asynchronously. * * @param title The title of the OpsItem. * @param source The source of the OpsItem. * @param category The category of the OpsItem. * @param severity The severity of the OpsItem. * @return The ID of the created OpsItem. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM OpsItem. * If the request is successful, it returns the OpsItem ID. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public String createSSMOpsItem(String title, String source, String category, String severity) { CreateOpsItemRequest opsItemRequest = CreateOpsItemRequest.builder() .description("Created by the SSM Java API") .title(title) .source(source) .category(category) .severity(severity) .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateOpsItemResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createOpsItem(opsItemRequest); try { CreateOpsItemResponse response = future.join(); return response.opsItemId(); } catch (CompletionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } } /** * Displays the date and time when the specific command was invoked. * * @param commandId The ID of the command to describe. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to list command invocations and prints the date and time of each command invocation. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void displayCommands(String commandId) { ListCommandInvocationsRequest commandInvocationsRequest = ListCommandInvocationsRequest.builder() .commandId(commandId) .build(); CompletableFuture<ListCommandInvocationsResponse> future = getAsyncClient().listCommandInvocations(commandInvocationsRequest); future.thenAccept(response -> { List<CommandInvocation> commandList = response.commandInvocations(); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()); for (CommandInvocation invocation : commandList) { System.out.println("The time of the command invocation is " + formatter.format(invocation.requestedDateTime())); } }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } }).join(); } /** * Sends a SSM command to a managed node asynchronously. * * @param documentName The name of the document to use. * @param instanceId The ID of the instance to send the command to. * @return The command ID. * <p> * This method initiates asynchronous requests to send a SSM command to a managed node. * It waits until the document is active, sends the command, and checks the command execution status. */ public String sendSSMCommand(String documentName, String instanceId) throws InterruptedException, SsmException { // Before we use Document to send a command - make sure it is active. CompletableFuture<Void> documentActiveFuture = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { boolean isDocumentActive = false; DescribeDocumentRequest request = DescribeDocumentRequest.builder() .name(documentName) .build(); while (!isDocumentActive) { CompletableFuture<DescribeDocumentResponse> response = getAsyncClient().describeDocument(request); String documentStatus = response.join().document().statusAsString(); if (documentStatus.equals("Active")) { System.out.println("The SSM document is active and ready to use."); isDocumentActive = true; } else { System.out.println("The SSM document is not active. Status: " + documentStatus); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }); documentActiveFuture.join(); // Create the SendCommandRequest. SendCommandRequest commandRequest = SendCommandRequest.builder() .documentName(documentName) .instanceIds(instanceId) .build(); // Send the command. CompletableFuture<SendCommandResponse> commandFuture = getAsyncClient().sendCommand(commandRequest); final String[] commandId = {null}; commandFuture.whenComplete((commandResponse, ex) -> { if (commandResponse != null) { commandId[0] = commandResponse.command().commandId(); System.out.println("Command ID: " + commandId[0]); // Wait for the command execution to complete. GetCommandInvocationRequest invocationRequest = GetCommandInvocationRequest.builder() .commandId(commandId[0]) .instanceId(instanceId) .build(); try { System.out.println("Wait 5 secs"); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); // Retrieve the command execution details. CompletableFuture<GetCommandInvocationResponse> invocationFuture = getAsyncClient().getCommandInvocation(invocationRequest); invocationFuture.whenComplete((commandInvocationResponse, invocationEx) -> { if (commandInvocationResponse != null) { // Check the status of the command execution. CommandInvocationStatus status = commandInvocationResponse.status(); if (status == CommandInvocationStatus.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("Command execution successful"); } else { System.out.println("Command execution failed. Status: " + status); } } else { Throwable invocationCause = (invocationEx instanceof CompletionException) ? invocationEx.getCause() : invocationEx; throw new CompletionException(invocationCause); } }).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); return commandId[0]; } /** * Creates an AWS SSM document asynchronously. * * @param docName The name of the document to create. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM document. * If the request is successful, it prints the document status. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void createSSMDoc(String docName) throws SsmException { String jsonData = """ { "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "Run a simple shell command", "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:runShellScript", "name": "runEchoCommand", "inputs": { "runCommand": [ "echo 'Hello, world!'" ] } } ] } """; CreateDocumentRequest request = CreateDocumentRequest.builder() .content(jsonData) .name(docName) .documentType(DocumentType.COMMAND) .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateDocumentResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createDocument(request); future.thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The status of the SSM document is " + response.documentDescription().status()); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof DocumentAlreadyExistsException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } }).join(); } /** * Updates an SSM maintenance window asynchronously. * * @param id The ID of the maintenance window to update. * @param name The new name for the maintenance window. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to update an SSM maintenance window. * If the request is successful, it prints a success message. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void updateSSMMaintenanceWindow(String id, String name) throws SsmException { UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest updateRequest = UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .windowId(id) .allowUnassociatedTargets(true) .duration(24) .enabled(true) .name(name) .schedule("cron(0 0 ? * MON *)") .build(); CompletableFuture<UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse> future = getAsyncClient().updateMaintenanceWindow(updateRequest); future.whenComplete((response, ex) -> { if (response != null) { System.out.println("The SSM maintenance window was successfully updated"); } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); } /** * Creates an SSM maintenance window asynchronously. * * @param winName The name of the maintenance window. * @return The ID of the created or existing maintenance window. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM maintenance window. * If the request is successful, it prints the maintenance window ID. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public String createMaintenanceWindow(String winName) throws SsmException, DocumentAlreadyExistsException { CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest request = CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .name(winName) .description("This is my maintenance window") .allowUnassociatedTargets(true) .duration(2) .cutoff(1) .schedule("cron(0 10 ? * MON-FRI *)") .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createMaintenanceWindow(request); final String[] windowId = {null}; future.whenComplete((response, ex) -> { if (response != null) { String maintenanceWindowId = response.windowId(); System.out.println("The maintenance window id is " + maintenanceWindowId); windowId[0] = maintenanceWindowId; } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof DocumentAlreadyExistsException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); if (windowId[0] == null) { MaintenanceWindowFilter filter = MaintenanceWindowFilter.builder() .key("name") .values(winName) .build(); DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest winRequest = DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest.builder() .filters(filter) .build(); CompletableFuture<DescribeMaintenanceWindowsResponse> describeFuture = getAsyncClient().describeMaintenanceWindows(winRequest); describeFuture.whenComplete((describeResponse, describeEx) -> { if (describeResponse != null) { List<MaintenanceWindowIdentity> windows = describeResponse.windowIdentities(); if (!windows.isEmpty()) { windowId[0] = windows.get(0).windowId(); System.out.println("Window ID: " + windowId[0]); } else { System.out.println("Window not found."); windowId[0] = ""; } } else { Throwable describeCause = (describeEx instanceof CompletionException) ? describeEx.getCause() : describeEx; throw new RuntimeException("Error describing maintenance windows: " + describeCause.getMessage(), describeCause); } }).join(); } return windowId[0]; } }



SDK适用于 Java 2.x

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

/** * Creates an AWS SSM document asynchronously. * * @param docName The name of the document to create. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM document. * If the request is successful, it prints the document status. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void createSSMDoc(String docName) throws SsmException { String jsonData = """ { "schemaVersion": "2.2", "description": "Run a simple shell command", "mainSteps": [ { "action": "aws:runShellScript", "name": "runEchoCommand", "inputs": { "runCommand": [ "echo 'Hello, world!'" ] } } ] } """; CreateDocumentRequest request = CreateDocumentRequest.builder() .content(jsonData) .name(docName) .documentType(DocumentType.COMMAND) .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateDocumentResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createDocument(request); future.thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The status of the SSM document is " + response.documentDescription().status()); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof DocumentAlreadyExistsException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } }).join(); }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 CreateDocument” 中的。


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/** * Creates an SSM maintenance window asynchronously. * * @param winName The name of the maintenance window. * @return The ID of the created or existing maintenance window. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM maintenance window. * If the request is successful, it prints the maintenance window ID. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public String createMaintenanceWindow(String winName) throws SsmException, DocumentAlreadyExistsException { CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest request = CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .name(winName) .description("This is my maintenance window") .allowUnassociatedTargets(true) .duration(2) .cutoff(1) .schedule("cron(0 10 ? * MON-FRI *)") .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createMaintenanceWindow(request); final String[] windowId = {null}; future.whenComplete((response, ex) -> { if (response != null) { String maintenanceWindowId = response.windowId(); System.out.println("The maintenance window id is " + maintenanceWindowId); windowId[0] = maintenanceWindowId; } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof DocumentAlreadyExistsException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); if (windowId[0] == null) { MaintenanceWindowFilter filter = MaintenanceWindowFilter.builder() .key("name") .values(winName) .build(); DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest winRequest = DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest.builder() .filters(filter) .build(); CompletableFuture<DescribeMaintenanceWindowsResponse> describeFuture = getAsyncClient().describeMaintenanceWindows(winRequest); describeFuture.whenComplete((describeResponse, describeEx) -> { if (describeResponse != null) { List<MaintenanceWindowIdentity> windows = describeResponse.windowIdentities(); if (!windows.isEmpty()) { windowId[0] = windows.get(0).windowId(); System.out.println("Window ID: " + windowId[0]); } else { System.out.println("Window not found."); windowId[0] = ""; } } else { Throwable describeCause = (describeEx instanceof CompletionException) ? describeEx.getCause() : describeEx; throw new RuntimeException("Error describing maintenance windows: " + describeCause.getMessage(), describeCause); } }).join(); } return windowId[0]; }


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/** * Creates an SSM OpsItem asynchronously. * * @param title The title of the OpsItem. * @param source The source of the OpsItem. * @param category The category of the OpsItem. * @param severity The severity of the OpsItem. * @return The ID of the created OpsItem. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to create an SSM OpsItem. * If the request is successful, it returns the OpsItem ID. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public String createSSMOpsItem(String title, String source, String category, String severity) { CreateOpsItemRequest opsItemRequest = CreateOpsItemRequest.builder() .description("Created by the SSM Java API") .title(title) .source(source) .category(category) .severity(severity) .build(); CompletableFuture<CreateOpsItemResponse> future = getAsyncClient().createOpsItem(opsItemRequest); try { CreateOpsItemResponse response = future.join(); return response.opsItemId(); } catch (CompletionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 CreateOpsItem” 中的。


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/** * Deletes an AWS SSM document asynchronously. * * @param documentName The name of the document to delete. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to delete an SSM document. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void deleteDoc(String documentName) { DeleteDocumentRequest documentRequest = DeleteDocumentRequest.builder() .name(documentName) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().deleteDocument(documentRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The SSM document was successfully deleted."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 DeleteDocument” 中的。


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/** * Deletes an AWS SSM Maintenance Window asynchronously. * * @param winId The ID of the Maintenance Window to delete. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to delete an SSM Maintenance Window. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void deleteMaintenanceWindow(String winId) { DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest windowRequest = DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .windowId(winId) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().deleteMaintenanceWindow(windowRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("The maintenance window was successfully deleted."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } }


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/** * Describes AWS SSM OpsItems asynchronously. * * @param key The key to filter OpsItems by (e.g., OPS_ITEM_ID). * * This method initiates an asynchronous request to describe SSM OpsItems. * If the request is successful, it prints the title and status of each OpsItem. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void describeOpsItems(String key) { OpsItemFilter filter = OpsItemFilter.builder() .key(OpsItemFilterKey.OPS_ITEM_ID) .values(key) .operator(OpsItemFilterOperator.EQUAL) .build(); DescribeOpsItemsRequest itemsRequest = DescribeOpsItemsRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .opsItemFilters(filter) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().describeOpsItems(itemsRequest) .thenAccept(itemsResponse -> { List<OpsItemSummary> items = itemsResponse.opsItemSummaries(); for (OpsItemSummary item : items) { System.out.println("The item title is " + item.title() + " and the status is " + item.status().toString()); } }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 DescribeOpsItems” 中的。


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import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.SsmClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.GetParameterRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.GetParameterResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.SsmException; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/get-started.html */ public class GetParameter { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <paraName> Where: paraName - The name of the parameter. """; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String paraName = args[0]; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; SsmClient ssmClient = SsmClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); getParaValue(ssmClient, paraName); ssmClient.close(); } public static void getParaValue(SsmClient ssmClient, String paraName) { try { GetParameterRequest parameterRequest = GetParameterRequest.builder() .name(paraName) .build(); GetParameterResponse parameterResponse = ssmClient.getParameter(parameterRequest); System.out.println("The parameter value is " + parameterResponse.parameter().value()); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 DescribeParameters” 中的。


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import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.SsmClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.ParameterType; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.PutParameterRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.SsmException; public class PutParameter { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <paraName> Where: paraName - The name of the parameter. paraValue - The value of the parameter. """; if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String paraName = args[0]; String paraValue = args[1]; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; SsmClient ssmClient = SsmClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); putParaValue(ssmClient, paraName, paraValue); ssmClient.close(); } public static void putParaValue(SsmClient ssmClient, String paraName, String value) { try { PutParameterRequest parameterRequest = PutParameterRequest.builder() .name(paraName) .type(ParameterType.STRING) .value(value) .build(); ssmClient.putParameter(parameterRequest); System.out.println("The parameter was successfully added."); } catch (SsmException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 PutParameter” 中的。


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/** * Sends a SSM command to a managed node asynchronously. * * @param documentName The name of the document to use. * @param instanceId The ID of the instance to send the command to. * @return The command ID. * <p> * This method initiates asynchronous requests to send a SSM command to a managed node. * It waits until the document is active, sends the command, and checks the command execution status. */ public String sendSSMCommand(String documentName, String instanceId) throws InterruptedException, SsmException { // Before we use Document to send a command - make sure it is active. CompletableFuture<Void> documentActiveFuture = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { boolean isDocumentActive = false; DescribeDocumentRequest request = DescribeDocumentRequest.builder() .name(documentName) .build(); while (!isDocumentActive) { CompletableFuture<DescribeDocumentResponse> response = getAsyncClient().describeDocument(request); String documentStatus = response.join().document().statusAsString(); if (documentStatus.equals("Active")) { System.out.println("The SSM document is active and ready to use."); isDocumentActive = true; } else { System.out.println("The SSM document is not active. Status: " + documentStatus); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }); documentActiveFuture.join(); // Create the SendCommandRequest. SendCommandRequest commandRequest = SendCommandRequest.builder() .documentName(documentName) .instanceIds(instanceId) .build(); // Send the command. CompletableFuture<SendCommandResponse> commandFuture = getAsyncClient().sendCommand(commandRequest); final String[] commandId = {null}; commandFuture.whenComplete((commandResponse, ex) -> { if (commandResponse != null) { commandId[0] = commandResponse.command().commandId(); System.out.println("Command ID: " + commandId[0]); // Wait for the command execution to complete. GetCommandInvocationRequest invocationRequest = GetCommandInvocationRequest.builder() .commandId(commandId[0]) .instanceId(instanceId) .build(); try { System.out.println("Wait 5 secs"); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); // Retrieve the command execution details. CompletableFuture<GetCommandInvocationResponse> invocationFuture = getAsyncClient().getCommandInvocation(invocationRequest); invocationFuture.whenComplete((commandInvocationResponse, invocationEx) -> { if (commandInvocationResponse != null) { // Check the status of the command execution. CommandInvocationStatus status = commandInvocationResponse.status(); if (status == CommandInvocationStatus.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("Command execution successful"); } else { System.out.println("Command execution failed. Status: " + status); } } else { Throwable invocationCause = (invocationEx instanceof CompletionException) ? invocationEx.getCause() : invocationEx; throw new CompletionException(invocationCause); } }).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); return commandId[0]; }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 SendCommand” 中的。


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/** * Updates an SSM maintenance window asynchronously. * * @param id The ID of the maintenance window to update. * @param name The new name for the maintenance window. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to update an SSM maintenance window. * If the request is successful, it prints a success message. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void updateSSMMaintenanceWindow(String id, String name) throws SsmException { UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest updateRequest = UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest.builder() .windowId(id) .allowUnassociatedTargets(true) .duration(24) .enabled(true) .name(name) .schedule("cron(0 0 ? * MON *)") .build(); CompletableFuture<UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse> future = getAsyncClient().updateMaintenanceWindow(updateRequest); future.whenComplete((response, ex) -> { if (response != null) { System.out.println("The SSM maintenance window was successfully updated"); } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new CompletionException(cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); }


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/** * Resolves an AWS SSM OpsItem asynchronously. * * @param opsID The ID of the OpsItem to resolve. * <p> * This method initiates an asynchronous request to resolve an SSM OpsItem. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void resolveOpsItem(String opsID) { UpdateOpsItemRequest opsItemRequest = UpdateOpsItemRequest.builder() .opsItemId(opsID) .status(OpsItemStatus.RESOLVED) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().updateOpsItem(opsItemRequest) .thenAccept(response -> { System.out.println("OpsItem resolved successfully."); }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “AWS SDK for Java 2.x API参考 UpdateOpsItem” 中的。