使用 for JavaScript (v3) 的 Amazon Textract SDK 示例 - AWS SDK 代码示例

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使用 for JavaScript (v3) 的 Amazon Textract SDK 示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用带有 Amazon Textract 的 AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) 来执行操作和实现常见场景。

场景是向您展示如何通过在一个服务中调用多个函数或与其他 AWS 服务结合来完成特定任务的代码示例。




以下代码示例展示了如何通过交互式应用程序浏览 Amazon Textract 的输出。

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

演示如何使用 AWS SDK for JavaScript 来构建 React 应用程序,该应用程序使用 Amazon Textract 从文档图像中提取数据并将其显示在交互式网页中。此示例在 Web 浏览器中运行,需要经过身份验证的 Amazon Cognito 身份才能获得凭证。它使用亚马逊简单存储服务 (Amazon S3) Service 进行存储,对于通知,它会轮询订阅亚马逊简单通知服务 (A SQS mazon) 主题的亚马逊简单队列服务 (Amazon) 队列。SNS


  • Amazon Cognito Identity

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SNS

  • Amazon SQS

  • Amazon Textract


SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

此示例应用程序可分析并存储客户反馈卡。具体来说,它满足了纽约市一家虚构酒店的需求。酒店以实体意见卡的形式收集来自不同语种的客人的反馈。该反馈通过 Web 客户端上传到应用程序中。意见卡图片上传后,将执行以下步骤:

  • 使用 Amazon Textract 从图片中提取文本。

  • Amazon Comprehend 确定所提取文本的情绪及其语言。

  • 使用 Amazon Translate 将所提取文本翻译为英语。

  • Amazon Polly 根据所提取文本合成音频文件。

完整的应用程序可使用  AWS CDK 进行部署。有关源代码和部署说明,请参阅中的项目 GitHub。以下摘录显示了在 Lambda 函数中 AWS SDK for JavaScript 是如何使用的。

import { ComprehendClient, DetectDominantLanguageCommand, DetectSentimentCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-comprehend"; /** * Determine the language and sentiment of the extracted text. * * @param {{ source_text: string}} extractTextOutput */ export const handler = async (extractTextOutput) => { const comprehendClient = new ComprehendClient({}); const detectDominantLanguageCommand = new DetectDominantLanguageCommand({ Text: extractTextOutput.source_text, }); // The source language is required for sentiment analysis and // translation in the next step. const { Languages } = await comprehendClient.send( detectDominantLanguageCommand, ); const languageCode = Languages[0].LanguageCode; const detectSentimentCommand = new DetectSentimentCommand({ Text: extractTextOutput.source_text, LanguageCode: languageCode, }); const { Sentiment } = await comprehendClient.send(detectSentimentCommand); return { sentiment: Sentiment, language_code: languageCode, }; };
import { DetectDocumentTextCommand, TextractClient, } from "@aws-sdk/client-textract"; /** * Fetch the S3 object from the event and analyze it using Amazon Textract. * * @param {import("@types/aws-lambda").EventBridgeEvent<"Object Created">} eventBridgeS3Event */ export const handler = async (eventBridgeS3Event) => { const textractClient = new TextractClient(); const detectDocumentTextCommand = new DetectDocumentTextCommand({ Document: { S3Object: { Bucket: eventBridgeS3Event.bucket, Name: eventBridgeS3Event.object, }, }, }); // Textract returns a list of blocks. A block can be a line, a page, word, etc. // Each block also contains geometry of the detected text. // For more information on the Block type, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_Block.html. const { Blocks } = await textractClient.send(detectDocumentTextCommand); // For the purpose of this example, we are only interested in words. const extractedWords = Blocks.filter((b) => b.BlockType === "WORD").map( (b) => b.Text, ); return extractedWords.join(" "); };
import { PollyClient, SynthesizeSpeechCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-polly"; import { S3Client } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { Upload } from "@aws-sdk/lib-storage"; /** * Synthesize an audio file from text. * * @param {{ bucket: string, translated_text: string, object: string}} sourceDestinationConfig */ export const handler = async (sourceDestinationConfig) => { const pollyClient = new PollyClient({}); const synthesizeSpeechCommand = new SynthesizeSpeechCommand({ Engine: "neural", Text: sourceDestinationConfig.translated_text, VoiceId: "Ruth", OutputFormat: "mp3", }); const { AudioStream } = await pollyClient.send(synthesizeSpeechCommand); const audioKey = `${sourceDestinationConfig.object}.mp3`; // Store the audio file in S3. const s3Client = new S3Client(); const upload = new Upload({ client: s3Client, params: { Bucket: sourceDestinationConfig.bucket, Key: audioKey, Body: AudioStream, ContentType: "audio/mp3", }, }); await upload.done(); return audioKey; };
import { TranslateClient, TranslateTextCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-translate"; /** * Translate the extracted text to English. * * @param {{ extracted_text: string, source_language_code: string}} textAndSourceLanguage */ export const handler = async (textAndSourceLanguage) => { const translateClient = new TranslateClient({}); const translateCommand = new TranslateTextCommand({ SourceLanguageCode: textAndSourceLanguage.source_language_code, TargetLanguageCode: "en", Text: textAndSourceLanguage.extracted_text, }); const { TranslatedText } = await translateClient.send(translateCommand); return { translated_text: TranslatedText }; };
  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Polly

  • Amazon Textract

  • Amazon Translate