AWS STS 用SDK于 Python 的示例 (Boto3) - AWS SDK代码示例

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AWS STS 用SDK于 Python 的示例 (Boto3)

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用with来执行操作和实现常见场景 AWS STS。 AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)


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以下代码示例演示如何使用 AssumeRole

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

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扮演需要MFA令牌的IAM角色并使用临时证书列出账户的 Amazon S3 存储桶。

def list_buckets_from_assumed_role_with_mfa( assume_role_arn, session_name, mfa_serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client ): """ Assumes a role from another account and uses the temporary credentials from that role to list the Amazon S3 buckets that are owned by the other account. Requires an MFA device serial number and token. The assumed role must grant permission to list the buckets in the other account. :param assume_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that grants access to list the other account's buckets. :param session_name: The name of the STS session. :param mfa_serial_number: The serial number of the MFA device. For a virtual MFA device, this is an ARN. :param mfa_totp: A time-based, one-time password issued by the MFA device. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that has permission to assume the role. """ response = sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=assume_role_arn, RoleSessionName=session_name, SerialNumber=mfa_serial_number, TokenCode=mfa_totp, ) temp_credentials = response["Credentials"] print(f"Assumed role {assume_role_arn} and got temporary credentials.") s3_resource = boto3.resource( "s3", aws_access_key_id=temp_credentials["AccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=temp_credentials["SecretAccessKey"], aws_session_token=temp_credentials["SessionToken"], ) print(f"Listing buckets for the assumed role's account:") for bucket in s3_resource.buckets.all(): print(
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅AssumeRole中的 AWS SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetSessionToken

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

通过传递令牌获取会话令MFA牌,然后使用该令牌列出账户的 Amazon S3 存储桶。

def list_buckets_with_session_token_with_mfa(mfa_serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client): """ Gets a session token with MFA credentials and uses the temporary session credentials to list Amazon S3 buckets. Requires an MFA device serial number and token. :param mfa_serial_number: The serial number of the MFA device. For a virtual MFA device, this is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). :param mfa_totp: A time-based, one-time password issued by the MFA device. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that has permission to assume the role. """ if mfa_serial_number is not None: response = sts_client.get_session_token( SerialNumber=mfa_serial_number, TokenCode=mfa_totp ) else: response = sts_client.get_session_token() temp_credentials = response["Credentials"] s3_resource = boto3.resource( "s3", aws_access_key_id=temp_credentials["AccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=temp_credentials["SecretAccessKey"], aws_session_token=temp_credentials["SessionToken"], ) print(f"Buckets for the account:") for bucket in s3_resource.buckets.all(): print(
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅GetSessionToken中的 AWS SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。




为避免安全风险,在开发专用软件或处理真实数据时,请勿使用IAM用户进行身份验证。而是使用与身份提供商的联合身份验证,例如 AWS IAM Identity Center

  • 创建一个IAM角色以授予列出 Amazon S3 存储桶的权限。

  • 创建仅在提供MFA凭证后才有权担任该角色的IAM用户。

  • 为用户注册MFA设备。

  • 代入该角色并使用临时凭证列出 S3 存储桶。

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

创建IAM用户、注册MFA设备并创建角色以授予列出 S3 存储桶的权限。用户仅具有代入该角色的权限。

def setup(iam_resource): """ Creates a new user with no permissions. Creates a new virtual MFA device. Displays the QR code to seed the device. Asks for two codes from the MFA device. Registers the MFA device for the user. Creates an access key pair for the user. Creates a role with a policy that lets the user assume the role and requires MFA. Creates a policy that allows listing Amazon S3 buckets. Attaches the policy to the role. Creates an inline policy for the user that lets the user assume the role. For demonstration purposes, the user is created in the same account as the role, but in practice the user would likely be from another account. Any MFA device that can scan a QR code will work with this demonstration. Common choices are mobile apps like LastPass Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Google Authenticator. :param iam_resource: A Boto3 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource that has permissions to create users, roles, and policies in the account. :return: The newly created user, user key, virtual MFA device, and role. """ user = iam_resource.create_user(UserName=unique_name("user")) print(f"Created user {}.") virtual_mfa_device = iam_resource.create_virtual_mfa_device( VirtualMFADeviceName=unique_name("mfa") ) print(f"Created virtual MFA device {virtual_mfa_device.serial_number}") print( f"Showing the QR code for the device. Scan this in the MFA app of your " f"choice." ) with open("qr.png", "wb") as qr_file: qr_file.write(virtual_mfa_device.qr_code_png) print(f"Enter two consecutive code from your MFA device.") mfa_code_1 = input("Enter the first code: ") mfa_code_2 = input("Enter the second code: ") user.enable_mfa( SerialNumber=virtual_mfa_device.serial_number, AuthenticationCode1=mfa_code_1, AuthenticationCode2=mfa_code_2, ) os.remove( print(f"MFA device is registered with the user.") user_key = user.create_access_key_pair() print(f"Created access key pair for user.") print(f"Wait for user to be ready.", end="") progress_bar(10) role = iam_resource.create_role( RoleName=unique_name("role"), AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": user.arn}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": {"Bool": {"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": True}}, } ], } ), ) print(f"Created role {} that requires MFA.") policy = iam_resource.create_policy( PolicyName=unique_name("policy"), PolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*", } ], } ), ) role.attach_policy(PolicyArn=policy.arn) print(f"Created policy {policy.policy_name} and attached it to the role.") user.create_policy( PolicyName=unique_name("user-policy"), PolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Resource": role.arn, } ], } ), ) print( f"Created an inline policy for {} that lets the user assume " f"the role." ) print("Give AWS time to propagate these new resources and connections.", end="") progress_bar(10) return user, user_key, virtual_mfa_device, role


def try_to_assume_role_without_mfa(assume_role_arn, session_name, sts_client): """ Shows that attempting to assume the role without sending MFA credentials results in an AccessDenied error. :param assume_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. :param session_name: The name of the STS session. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that has permission to assume the role. """ print(f"Trying to assume the role without sending MFA credentials...") try: sts_client.assume_role(RoleArn=assume_role_arn, RoleSessionName=session_name) raise RuntimeError("Expected AccessDenied error.") except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AccessDenied": print("Got AccessDenied.") else: raise

扮演一个角色,该角色授予列出 S3 存储桶的权限,传递所需的MFA令牌,并表明可以列出存储桶。

def list_buckets_from_assumed_role_with_mfa( assume_role_arn, session_name, mfa_serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client ): """ Assumes a role from another account and uses the temporary credentials from that role to list the Amazon S3 buckets that are owned by the other account. Requires an MFA device serial number and token. The assumed role must grant permission to list the buckets in the other account. :param assume_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that grants access to list the other account's buckets. :param session_name: The name of the STS session. :param mfa_serial_number: The serial number of the MFA device. For a virtual MFA device, this is an ARN. :param mfa_totp: A time-based, one-time password issued by the MFA device. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that has permission to assume the role. """ response = sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=assume_role_arn, RoleSessionName=session_name, SerialNumber=mfa_serial_number, TokenCode=mfa_totp, ) temp_credentials = response["Credentials"] print(f"Assumed role {assume_role_arn} and got temporary credentials.") s3_resource = boto3.resource( "s3", aws_access_key_id=temp_credentials["AccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=temp_credentials["SecretAccessKey"], aws_session_token=temp_credentials["SessionToken"], ) print(f"Listing buckets for the assumed role's account:") for bucket in s3_resource.buckets.all(): print(


def teardown(user, virtual_mfa_device, role): """ Removes all resources created during setup. :param user: The demo user. :param role: The demo role. """ for attached in role.attached_policies.all(): policy_name = attached.policy_name role.detach_policy(PolicyArn=attached.arn) attached.delete() print(f"Detached and deleted {policy_name}.") role.delete() print(f"Deleted {}.") for user_pol in user.policies.all(): user_pol.delete() print("Deleted inline user policy.") for key in user.access_keys.all(): key.delete() print("Deleted user's access key.") for mfa in user.mfa_devices.all(): mfa.disassociate() virtual_mfa_device.delete() user.delete() print(f"Deleted {}.")


def usage_demo(): """Drives the demonstration.""" print("-" * 88) print( f"Welcome to the AWS Security Token Service assume role demo, " f"starring multi-factor authentication (MFA)!" ) print("-" * 88) iam_resource = boto3.resource("iam") user, user_key, virtual_mfa_device, role = setup(iam_resource) print(f"Created {} and {}.") try: sts_client = boto3.client( "sts",, aws_secret_access_key=user_key.secret ) try_to_assume_role_without_mfa(role.arn, "demo-sts-session", sts_client) mfa_totp = input("Enter the code from your registered MFA device: ") list_buckets_from_assumed_role_with_mfa( role.arn, "demo-sts-session", virtual_mfa_device.serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client, ) finally: teardown(user, virtual_mfa_device, role) print("Thanks for watching!")
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅AssumeRole中的 AWS SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。


  • 创建一个IAM角色以授予对当前账户的 Amazon S3 资源的只读访问权限。

  • 从 AWS 联合终端节点获取安全令牌。

  • 构造URL一个可用于使用联合凭证访问控制台的。

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

创建一个角色,该角色授予对当前账户的 S3 资源的只读访问权限。

def setup(iam_resource): """ Creates a role that can be assumed by the current user. Attaches a policy that allows only Amazon S3 read-only access. :param iam_resource: A Boto3 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance that has the permission to create a role. :return: The newly created role. """ role = iam_resource.create_role( RoleName=unique_name("role"), AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": iam_resource.CurrentUser().arn}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", } ], } ), ) role.attach_policy(PolicyArn="arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess") print(f"Created role {}.") print("Give AWS time to propagate these new resources and connections.", end="") progress_bar(10) return role

从 AWS 联合终端节点获取安全令牌URL,然后构造一个可用于使用联合凭证访问控制台的安全令牌。

def construct_federated_url(assume_role_arn, session_name, issuer, sts_client): """ Constructs a URL that gives federated users direct access to the AWS Management Console. 1. Acquires temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) that can be used to assume a role with limited permissions. 2. Uses the temporary credentials to request a sign-in token from the AWS federation endpoint. 3. Builds a URL that can be used in a browser to navigate to the AWS federation endpoint, includes the sign-in token for authentication, and redirects to the AWS Management Console with permissions defined by the role that was specified in step 1. :param assume_role_arn: The role that specifies the permissions that are granted. The current user must have permission to assume the role. :param session_name: The name for the STS session. :param issuer: The organization that issues the URL. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that can assume the role. :return: The federated URL. """ response = sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=assume_role_arn, RoleSessionName=session_name ) temp_credentials = response["Credentials"] print(f"Assumed role {assume_role_arn} and got temporary credentials.") session_data = { "sessionId": temp_credentials["AccessKeyId"], "sessionKey": temp_credentials["SecretAccessKey"], "sessionToken": temp_credentials["SessionToken"], } aws_federated_signin_endpoint = "" # Make a request to the AWS federation endpoint to get a sign-in token. # The requests.get function URL-encodes the parameters and builds the query string # before making the request. response = requests.get( aws_federated_signin_endpoint, params={ "Action": "getSigninToken", "SessionDuration": str(datetime.timedelta(hours=12).seconds), "Session": json.dumps(session_data), }, ) signin_token = json.loads(response.text) print(f"Got a sign-in token from the AWS sign-in federation endpoint.") # Make a federated URL that can be used to sign into the AWS Management Console. query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode( { "Action": "login", "Issuer": issuer, "Destination": "", "SigninToken": signin_token["SigninToken"], } ) federated_url = f"{aws_federated_signin_endpoint}?{query_string}" return federated_url


def teardown(role): """ Removes all resources created during setup. :param role: The demo role. """ for attached in role.attached_policies.all(): role.detach_policy(PolicyArn=attached.arn) print(f"Detached {attached.policy_name}.") role.delete() print(f"Deleted {}.")


def usage_demo(): """Drives the demonstration.""" print("-" * 88) print(f"Welcome to the AWS Security Token Service federated URL demo.") print("-" * 88) iam_resource = boto3.resource("iam") role = setup(iam_resource) sts_client = boto3.client("sts") try: federated_url = construct_federated_url( role.arn, "AssumeRoleDemoSession", "", sts_client ) print( "Constructed a federated URL that can be used to connect to the " "AWS Management Console with role-defined permissions:" ) print("-" * 88) print(federated_url) print("-" * 88) _ = input( "Copy and paste the above URL into a browser to open the AWS " "Management Console with limited permissions. When done, press " "Enter to clean up and complete this demo." ) finally: teardown(role) print("Thanks for watching!")
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅AssumeRole中的 AWS SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。



为避免安全风险,在开发专用软件或处理真实数据时,请勿使用IAM用户进行身份验证。而是使用与身份提供商的联合身份验证,例如 AWS IAM Identity Center

  • 创建一个IAM角色以授予列出 Amazon S3 存储桶的权限。

  • 创建仅在提供MFA凭证后才有权担任该角色的IAM用户。

  • 为用户注册MFA设备。

  • 提供MFA凭证以获取会话令牌并使用临时证书列出 S3 存储桶。

SDK适用于 Python (Boto3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 AWS 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

创建IAM用户、注册MFA设备并创建一个角色,该角色允许用户仅在使用MFA凭据时列出 S3 存储桶。

def setup(iam_resource): """ Creates a new user with no permissions. Creates a new virtual multi-factor authentication (MFA) device. Displays the QR code to seed the device. Asks for two codes from the MFA device. Registers the MFA device for the user. Creates an access key pair for the user. Creates an inline policy for the user that lets the user list Amazon S3 buckets, but only when MFA credentials are used. Any MFA device that can scan a QR code will work with this demonstration. Common choices are mobile apps like LastPass Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Google Authenticator. :param iam_resource: A Boto3 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource that has permissions to create users, MFA devices, and policies in the account. :return: The newly created user, user key, and virtual MFA device. """ user = iam_resource.create_user(UserName=unique_name("user")) print(f"Created user {}.") virtual_mfa_device = iam_resource.create_virtual_mfa_device( VirtualMFADeviceName=unique_name("mfa") ) print(f"Created virtual MFA device {virtual_mfa_device.serial_number}") print( f"Showing the QR code for the device. Scan this in the MFA app of your " f"choice." ) with open("qr.png", "wb") as qr_file: qr_file.write(virtual_mfa_device.qr_code_png) print(f"Enter two consecutive code from your MFA device.") mfa_code_1 = input("Enter the first code: ") mfa_code_2 = input("Enter the second code: ") user.enable_mfa( SerialNumber=virtual_mfa_device.serial_number, AuthenticationCode1=mfa_code_1, AuthenticationCode2=mfa_code_2, ) os.remove( print(f"MFA device is registered with the user.") user_key = user.create_access_key_pair() print(f"Created access key pair for user.") print(f"Wait for user to be ready.", end="") progress_bar(10) user.create_policy( PolicyName=unique_name("user-policy"), PolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*", "Condition": {"Bool": {"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": True}}, } ], } ), ) print( f"Created an inline policy for {} that lets the user list buckets, " f"but only when MFA credentials are present." ) print("Give AWS time to propagate these new resources and connections.", end="") progress_bar(10) return user, user_key, virtual_mfa_device

通过传递MFA令牌来获取临时会话证书,然后使用这些证书列出账户的 S3 存储桶。

def list_buckets_with_session_token_with_mfa(mfa_serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client): """ Gets a session token with MFA credentials and uses the temporary session credentials to list Amazon S3 buckets. Requires an MFA device serial number and token. :param mfa_serial_number: The serial number of the MFA device. For a virtual MFA device, this is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). :param mfa_totp: A time-based, one-time password issued by the MFA device. :param sts_client: A Boto3 STS instance that has permission to assume the role. """ if mfa_serial_number is not None: response = sts_client.get_session_token( SerialNumber=mfa_serial_number, TokenCode=mfa_totp ) else: response = sts_client.get_session_token() temp_credentials = response["Credentials"] s3_resource = boto3.resource( "s3", aws_access_key_id=temp_credentials["AccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=temp_credentials["SecretAccessKey"], aws_session_token=temp_credentials["SessionToken"], ) print(f"Buckets for the account:") for bucket in s3_resource.buckets.all(): print(


def teardown(user, virtual_mfa_device): """ Removes all resources created during setup. :param user: The demo user. :param role: The demo MFA device. """ for user_pol in user.policies.all(): user_pol.delete() print("Deleted inline user policy.") for key in user.access_keys.all(): key.delete() print("Deleted user's access key.") for mfa in user.mfa_devices.all(): mfa.disassociate() virtual_mfa_device.delete() user.delete() print(f"Deleted {}.")


def usage_demo(): """Drives the demonstration.""" print("-" * 88) print( f"Welcome to the AWS Security Token Service assume role demo, " f"starring multi-factor authentication (MFA)!" ) print("-" * 88) iam_resource = boto3.resource("iam") user, user_key, virtual_mfa_device = setup(iam_resource) try: sts_client = boto3.client( "sts",, aws_secret_access_key=user_key.secret ) try: print("Listing buckets without specifying MFA credentials.") list_buckets_with_session_token_with_mfa(None, None, sts_client) except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AccessDenied": print("Got expected AccessDenied error.") mfa_totp = input("Enter the code from your registered MFA device: ") list_buckets_with_session_token_with_mfa( virtual_mfa_device.serial_number, mfa_totp, sts_client ) finally: teardown(user, virtual_mfa_device) print("Thanks for watching!")
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅GetSessionToken中的 AWS SDKPython (Boto3) API 参考。