配置文件 - Amazon DCV Session Manager



配置文件是指定某些配置选项和凭证的第三种方法。默认情况下,它是在位于 /conf/dcvsmcli.conf 的 zip 文件中提供的。


  • 基于 Unix 的系统:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dcvsmcli.conf

  • Windows 系统:%UserProfile%\dcvsmcli.conf

如果找不到配置文件,CLI 将从 /conf/dcvsmcli.conf 路径中读取 zip 文件中提供的配置文件。配置文件结构如下所示:

[output] # The formatting style for command output. output-format = json # Turn on debug logging debug = true [security] # Disable SSL certificates verification. no-verify-ssl = true # CA certificate bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. ca-bundle = ca-bundle.pem [authentication] # hostname of the authentication server used to request the token auth-server-url = https://broker-host:broker-port/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials # The client ID client-id = username # The client password client-password = password [broker] # hostname or IP of the broker url = https://broker-host:broker-port