AcceleratorSelection - AWS Deadline Cloud


Describes a specific GPU accelerator required for an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud worker host.



The name of the chip used by the GPU accelerator.

If you specify l4 as the name of the accelerator, you must specify latest or grid:r550 as the runtime.

The available GPU accelerators are:

  • t4 - NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU

  • a10g - NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPU

  • l4 - NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU

  • l40s - NVIDIA L40S Tensor Core GPU

Type: String

Valid Values: t4 | a10g | l4 | l40s

Required: Yes


Specifies the runtime driver to use for the GPU accelerator. You must use the same runtime for all GPUs.

You can choose from the following runtimes:

  • latest - Use the latest runtime available for the chip. If you specify latest and a new version of the runtime is released, the new version of the runtime is used.

  • grid:r550 - NVIDIA vGPU software 17

  • grid:r535 - NVIDIA vGPU software 16

If you don't specify a runtime, Deadline Cloud uses latest as the default. However, if you have multiple accelerators and specify latest for some and leave others blank, Deadline Cloud raises an exception.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: