Provides information that describes the configuration of the recommended target engine on Amazon RDS.
- DeploymentOption
Describes the deployment option for the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance. The deployment options include Multi-AZ and Single-AZ deployments. Valid values include
.Type: String
Required: No
- EngineEdition
Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS engine edition.
Type: String
Required: No
- EngineVersion
Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS engine version.
Type: String
Required: No
- InstanceMemory
Describes the memory on the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
Type: Double
Required: No
- InstanceType
Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS instance type.
Type: String
Required: No
- InstanceVcpu
Describes the number of virtual CPUs (vCPU) on the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
Type: Double
Required: No
- StorageIops
Describes the number of I/O operations completed each second (IOPS) on the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- StorageSize
Describes the storage size of the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- StorageType
Describes the storage type of the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
Amazon RDS provides three storage types: General Purpose SSD (also known as gp2 and gp3), Provisioned IOPS SSD (also known as io1), and magnetic (also known as standard).
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: