Updates the Kubernetes version or AMI version of an Amazon EKS managed node group.
You can update a node group using a launch template only if the node group was originally deployed with a launch template. Additionally, the launch template ID or name must match what was used when the node group was created. You can update the launch template version with necessary changes.
If you need to update a custom AMI in a node group that was deployed with a launch template, then update your custom AMI, specify the new ID in a new version of the launch template, and then update the node group to the new version of the launch template.
If you update without a launch template, then you can update to the latest available AMI version of a node group's current Kubernetes version by not specifying a Kubernetes version in the request. You can update to the latest AMI version of your cluster's current Kubernetes version by specifying your cluster's Kubernetes version in the request. For information about Linux versions, see Amazon EKS optimized Amazon Linux AMI versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide. For information about Windows versions, see Amazon EKS optimized Windows AMI versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
You cannot roll back a node group to an earlier Kubernetes version or AMI version.
When a node in a managed node group is terminated due to a scaling action or update,
every Pod
on that node is drained first. Amazon EKS attempts to drain the nodes
gracefully and will fail if it is unable to do so. You can force
the update
if Amazon EKS is unable to drain the nodes as a result of a Pod
budget issue.
Request Syntax
POST /clusters/name
/update-version HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"clientRequestToken": "string
"force": boolean
"launchTemplate": {
"id": "string
"name": "string
"version": "string
"releaseVersion": "string
"version": "string
URI Request Parameters
The request uses the following URI parameters.
- name
The name of your cluster.
Required: Yes
- nodegroupName
The name of the managed node group to update.
Required: Yes
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- clientRequestToken
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
Type: String
Required: No
- force
Force the update if any
on the existing node group can't be drained due to aPod
disruption budget issue. If an update fails because all Pods can't be drained, you can force the update after it fails to terminate the old node whether or not anyPod
is running on the node.Type: Boolean
Required: No
- launchTemplate
An object representing a node group's launch template specification. You can only update a node group using a launch template if the node group was originally deployed with a launch template. When updating, you must specify the same launch template ID or name that was used to create the node group.
Type: LaunchTemplateSpecification object
Required: No
- releaseVersion
The AMI version of the Amazon EKS optimized AMI to use for the update. By default, the latest available AMI version for the node group's Kubernetes version is used. For information about Linux versions, see Amazon EKS optimized Amazon Linux AMI versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide. Amazon EKS managed node groups support the November 2022 and later releases of the Windows AMIs. For information about Windows versions, see Amazon EKS optimized Windows AMI versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide.
If you specify
, and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specifyreleaseVersion
, or the node group update will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Customizing managed nodes with launch templates in the Amazon EKS User Guide.Type: String
Required: No
- version
The Kubernetes version to update to. If no version is specified, then the Kubernetes version of the node group does not change. You can specify the Kubernetes version of the cluster to update the node group to the latest AMI version of the cluster's Kubernetes version. If you specify
, and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specifyversion
, or the node group update will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Customizing managed nodes with launch templates in the Amazon EKS User Guide.Type: String
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"update": {
"createdAt": number,
"errors": [
"errorCode": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"resourceIds": [ "string" ]
"id": "string",
"params": [
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
"status": "string",
"type": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- ClientException
These errors are usually caused by a client action. Actions can include using an action or resource on behalf of an IAM principal that doesn't have permissions to use the action or resource or specifying an identifier that is not valid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidParameterException
The specified parameter is invalid. Review the available parameters for the API request.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidRequestException
The request is invalid given the state of the cluster. Check the state of the cluster and the associated operations.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ResourceInUseException
The specified resource is in use.
HTTP Status Code: 409
- ResourceNotFoundException
The specified resource could not be found. You can view your available clusters with
. You can view your available managed node groups withListNodegroups
. Amazon EKS clusters and node groups are AWS Region specific.HTTP Status Code: 404
- ServerException
These errors are usually caused by a server-side issue.
HTTP Status Code: 500
In the following example or examples, the Authorization header contents
) must be replaced with an AWS Signature Version 4
signature. For more information about creating these signatures, see Signature
Version 4 Signing Process in the Amazon EKS General
You need to learn how to sign HTTP requests only if you intend to manually
create them. When you use the AWS Command Line
Interface (AWS CLI)
Example 1
This example updates a node group that was deployed without a launch template
to the latest available node group AMI version for the node group's current
Kubernetes version. The example node group is named standard
and is in
the prod
Sample Request
POST /clusters/prod/node-groups/standard/update-version HTTP/1.1
Host: eks.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: aws-cli/1.16.275 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/1.13.11
X-Amz-Date: 20191111T184043Z
Authorization: AUTHPARAMS
Content-Length: 62
"clientRequestToken": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:40:43 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 237
x-amzn-RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
x-amz-apigw-id: DAeuxEBkvHcF1sg=
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
"update": {
"id": "079be772-956e-37c4-a966-960c1a6755a5",
"status": "InProgress",
"type": "VersionUpdate",
"params": [
"type": "Version",
"value": "1.14"
"type": "ReleaseVersion",
"value": "1.14.7-20190927"
"createdAt": 1573497643.374,
"errors": []
Example 2
This example updates a node group that was deployed with a launch template to
version 3
of a launch template named
Sample Request
POST /clusters/my-cluster/node-groups/my-nodegroup/update-version HTTP/1.1
Host: eks.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: aws-cli/1.16.298 Python/3.6.0 Windows/10 botocore/1.13.34
X-Amz-Date: 20200812T144111Z
Authorization: AUTHPARAMS
Content-Length: 121
"launchTemplate": {
"name": "my-template",
"version": "3"
"clientRequestToken": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 14:41:12 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 248
x-amzn-RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
x-amz-apigw-id: DAeuxEBkvHcF1sg=
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
"update": {
"id": "8f63ed58-f571-3bf9-87bc-a35f5e3d7687",
"status": "InProgress",
"type": "VersionUpdate",
"params": [{
"type": "LaunchTemplateName",
"value": "my-launch-template"
}, {
"type": "LaunchTemplateVersion",
"value": "3"
"createdAt": 1597243272.809,
"errors": []
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: