大小调整策略和宽高比 - Amazon Elastic Transcoder

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MediaConvert 是一项较新的基于文件的视频转码服务,它提供了一套全面的高级转码功能,按需费率起价为每分钟 0.0075 美元。阅读更多

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您选择的大小调整策略会影响 Elastic Transcoder 对您的输出图像的缩放,如下表所示。




























如果您为大小调整策略选择适应,则 Elastic Transcoder 会对您的输入文件进行缩放,直到它可以放进输出图像的尺寸里,而不超出输出图像的尺寸。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 200 x 200 像素,而您希望获得一个 300 x 400 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会将文件大小增加至 300 x 300 像素,并在文件两侧应用填充策略。如果您为填充策略选择未填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 300 x 300 像素的文件作为输出。如果您选择已填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会在输出的两侧各增加 50 像素的填充,然后返回一个 300 x 400 像素的文件。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Blue figure icon with size dimensions labeled around it: 400 width, 300 height, 200 top and left.
Diagram showing a blue figure icon centered within a frame with dimensions labeled.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Diagram showing a blue figure centered in a 400x200 pixel area with surrounding measurements.
Diagram showing a blue figure centered within a white rectangle surrounded by black bars.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Diagram showing a rectangle with dimensions 400x300 inside a larger 500x200 area.
Diagram showing dimensions of a rectangle: 500 width, 400 height, with inner area of 300x200.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue 3D figure resembling a snowman or stacked spheres centered in a square frame.
Blue 3D snowman-like figure centered within nested squares on a checkered background.


如果您为大小调整策略选择适应,则 Elastic Transcoder 会对您的输入文件进行缩放,直到它可以填满输出图像的尺寸,并对超出输出图像尺寸的部分进行裁切。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 200 x 200 像素,而您希望获得一个 300 x 400 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会将输入大小增加至 400 x 400 像素,从顶部和底部裁切 50 像素,然后返回 300 x 400 像素的文件。Elastic Transcoder 不会为填充策略使用填充。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and sizing information overlaid on a checkered background.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and sizing information overlaid on a checkered background.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Diagram showing a blue figure with dimensions: 200 height, 300 width, 400 total height.
Diagram showing a blue figure with dimensions: 200 height, 300 width, 400 total height.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Blue hourglass-shaped icon with numerical values indicating dimensions around it.
Blue hourglass-shaped icon with numerical values indicating dimensions around it.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue 3D figure centered in a square frame with measurement indicators on the sides.
Blue 3D figure centered in a square frame with measurement indicators on the sides.


如果您为大小调整策略选择拉伸,则 Elastic Transcoder 会拉伸或缩小输入文件,直到它与输出文件的尺寸相匹配。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 200 x 200 像素,而您希望获得一个 300 x 400 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会将输入大小增加至 300 x 400 像素,导致输出图像的比例发生扭曲。Elastic Transcoder 不会为拉伸策略使用填充或裁切。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Blue 3D object resembling a chess pawn piece with dimensions labeled around it.
Blue 3D object resembling a chess pawn piece with dimensions labeled around it.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Diagram showing dimensions of a blue cylindrical object on a checkered background.
Diagram showing dimensions of a blue cylindrical object on a checkered background.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Diagram showing a blue bowling pin shape centered within nested rectangles and numerical labels.
Diagram showing a blue bowling pin shape centered within nested rectangles and numerical labels.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue 3D figure resembling a snowman or stacked spheres centered in a square frame.
Blue 3D figure resembling a snowman or stacked spheres centered in a square frame.


如果您为大小调整策略选择保持,则 Elastic Transcoder 不会缩放您的输入文件。Elastic Transcoder 会裁切或填充输入文件,直到它与输出图像的尺寸相匹配。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 400 x 200 像素,而您希望获得一个 300 x 300 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会从顶部和底部裁掉 100 像素,并在两侧应用填充策略。如果您为填充策略选择未填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 300 x 200 像素的输出文件。如果您选择已填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 300 x 300 像素的文件。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Diagram showing a blue user icon surrounded by numbered dimensions: 200, 300, and 400.
Diagram showing a centered image with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner, 400x300 outer.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and grid background indicating size specifications.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and measurements indicated around it.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Diagram showing a blue user icon centered within nested rectangles with labeled dimensions.
Diagram showing image dimensions: 500 width, 400 height, with 200 left and 300 right margins.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue figure icon centered within red square frame on checkered background.
Blue figure icon centered within red square frame on checkered background.


如果您为大小调整策略选择缩小以适应,则 Elastic Transcoder 会缩小您的输入文件的大小,直到它可以放进输出文件的尺寸里,而不超出输出图像的尺寸。如果您的输入文件小于输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 不会增加文件大小。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 400 x 400 像素,而您希望获得一个 200 x 300 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会将输入缩小至 200 x 200 像素,然后应用填充策略。如果您为填充策略选择未填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 200 x 200 像素的文件作为输出。如果您选择已填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会在输出的两侧各增加 50 像素的填充,然后返回一个 300 x 300 像素的文件。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Diagram showing a blue user icon surrounded by numbered dimensions: 200, 300, and 400.
Diagram showing a centered image with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner, 400x300 outer.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Diagram showing a blue figure centered in a 400x200 pixel area with surrounding measurements.
Diagram showing a blue figure centered within a white rectangle surrounded by black bars.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Diagram showing a rectangle with dimensions 400x300 inside a larger 500x200 area.
Diagram showing dimensions of a rectangle: 500 width, 400 height, with inner area of 300x200.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue 3D figure resembling a snowman or stacked spheres centered in a square frame.
Blue 3D snowman-like figure centered within nested squares on a checkered background.


如果您为大小调整策略选择缩小以填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会缩小输入文件的大小,直到它填满输出图像的尺寸,并对不能放入输出图像内的部分进行裁切,然后应用填充策略。如果您的输出图像大于输入文件,则 Elastic Transcoder 不会增加文件大小。

例如,如果您的输入文件为 400 x 200 像素,而您希望获得一个 200 x 300 像素的输出图像,则 Elastic Transcoder 会从两侧裁切 100 像素,并在文件的顶部和底部应用填充策略。如果您为填充策略选择未填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 200 x 200 像素的输出文件。如果您选择已填充,则 Elastic Transcoder 会返回 200 x 300 像素的文件。





输出: NoPad


输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner square, 300x400 outer rectangle.
Diagram showing a blue user icon surrounded by numbered dimensions: 200, 300, and 400.
Diagram showing a centered image with dimensions labeled: 200x200 inner, 400x300 outer.

输入宽度 < 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue pawn-shaped figure on a checkered background with red measurement lines.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and grid background indicating size specifications.
Blue figure icon with dimensions and measurements indicated around it.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 < 最大输出高度

Blue user icon centered within a rectangular frame with dimensions labeled.
Diagram showing a blue user icon centered within nested rectangles with labeled dimensions.
Diagram showing image dimensions: 500 width, 400 height, with 200 left and 300 right margins.

输入宽度 > 最大输出宽度

输入高度 > 最大输出高度

Blue silhouette icon of a person within a red square frame on a grid background.
Blue 3D figure centered in a square frame with measurement indicators on the sides.
Blue 3D figure centered in a square frame with measurement indicators on the sides.