了解 Amazon 的EMRWAL定价和指标 - Amazon EMR


了解 Amazon 的EMRWAL定价和指标

核心功能计费单位 详细信息
EMR-WAL-Read-GiB API calls to read data from your table are billed as ReadRequestGiB. This includes Get and Scan operations. Reads are charged based on the sizes of the read items. Amazon EMR bills at a minimum of 1 byte. For example, if you read a 1234.12 bytes item, you're charged for 1235 bytes. Reads are aggregated every hour for billing and shown as GiBs.
EMR-WAL-Write-GiB API calls to write data from your table are billed as Write-GiB. This includes Put operations. Writes are charged based on the sizes of the written items. Amazon EMR bills at a minimum of 1 byte. For example, if you write a 1234.12 bytes item, you're charged for 1235 bytes. Writes are aggregated every hour for billing and shown as GiBs.

您在服务上存储WALs的数量按以下方式计费。EMR-WAL-WALHoursAmazon EMR 为WAL每个HBase地区创建一个。例如,如果您创建了 20 个HBase表(包括系统表),并且每个表有两个HBase区域,那么您将使用 28,800 WAL 小时,计算公式为:

20 tables x 2 Regions per table x 1 WAL per Region x 30 days x 24 hours ----------- 28,800 EMR-WAL-WALHours


Line graph showing ResourceCount fluctuations over time, ranging from about 18.87 to 19.20.


Graph showing ResourceCount fluctuations over time, ranging from 7.97 to 8.32.